Hyperlinks Links for Other Pages
Hyperlink (aka Link) Text (or image) user can click Takes user to different location In general, location can be: On same page A different page in same site A page outside the site software on user’s computer
Links to Other Websites Links to sites/pages OUTSIDE your site Absolute Link Requires full URL (address)
Example Link has an absolute reference to Google Note full website URL included
Additional Attributes target Tells the browser where to open the page you’re linking to Possible values: _blank Opens in a new window or tab _self Opens in same frame as it was clicked (default)..no real sense in setting it
Examples Will open in new tab/window, different from one page containing link is in
Absolute vs. Relative Paths Absolute paths ask for a file from a specific server Relative paths ask for file with no server specified Since no server name included, browser assumes you mean same server as page Absolute includes protocol (http) and server (mspetr.org) Relative never includes protocol or server
Links to Pages You Create All are on same server (actually no server at all right now since they’re just in your My Documents)
Links to Pages You Create index.html Links to pages we’re not on Home page of site is always called index.html
Links to Pages You Create about.html Links to pages we’re not on
Links to Pages You Create dogs.html Links to pages we’re not on
HTML index.html about.html dogs.html