Supplementary Material for Chapter 15 Teaching Lyme Disease Ecology Through a Primary-Literature Jigsaw Activity This chapter is published as: Pasari JR Teaching Lyme Disease Ecology Through a Primary-Literature Jigsaw Activity. In: Byrne L (ed) Learner-Centered Teaching Activities for Environmental and Sustainability Studies. Springer, New York. DOI / _15 Jae R. Pasari Science Department, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, CA USA Science Department, Pacific Collegiate School, Santa Cruz, CA USA This file contains the following Supplementary material: A: Example presentation slides See ESM-B for explanatory text that accompanies these slides This chapter also has the following Supplementary material, available on the chapter’s website: B: Instructor guide C: Student handout
Public domain photo by Hannah Garrison Public domain photo by David Cox Public domain photo from California Dept. Public Health Lyme Disease
Questions 1)Why are Lyme disease cases increasing? 2)Why is Lyme disease present in some areas more than others? 3)What studies need to be done to improve our understanding of Lyme disease ecology? 4)What could be done now to reduce the incidence of Lyme disease?
Public domain image from Wikimedia Commons
Reservoir Hosts Least Competent 0% lizards chipmunksskunks birdsshrews mice deer Most Competent 100% squirrels
DeerAcorns Increasing Lyme Disease Predators Forest Fragmentation Lizards Sudden Oak Death Human Behavior Biodiversity Hypotheses
Structure of a scientific journal article Abstract - summary Introduction - questions, hypotheses Methods - collection of evidence Results - evaluation of evidence, graphs & tables Discussion - conclusion, new hypotheses