Montana Memory Project
[Cree Indians, Havre, Montana, 1892] Metadata for:
[Plains Cree family taken near Butte, 1906.] Metadata for:
Andrew Valler, wife and kids Metadata for:
Bob Small in full Indian dress Metadata for:
Camp of Cree Indians, Northern Montana, A Metadata for:
Chief Kenewash Metadata for:
Chief Little Bear Metadata for:
Cree Indian encampment in Northwest Territory Metadata for:
Cree Indian encampment in the Cypress Mountains Metadata for:
Cree Women Roasting a Dog. Metadata for:
Fort Missoula soldiers during Cree removal Metadata for:
Frame for Sundance Lodge Metadata for:
Little Bear "Immasees" Cree Indian Chief, Havre, Mont Metadata for:
Little Bear and an unidentified man Metadata for:
Loud Thunder, Frenchman, and Linderman with flag Metadata for:
North side of 1st Street, Havre, Montana. Metadata for:
Old Boy O-CHA-SE-MAS Metadata for:
Plains Cree taken near Butte, Metadata for:
Rocky Boy, Chief of the Crees. Metadata for: