Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. 1 Infor Factory Track TM 6.00 Overtime Logic in Time Track
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. 2 Time Track Overtime Logic
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Overtime Logic TimeTrack supports two types of Overtime, each with their own pay uplift rates Overtime DoubleTime In addition to this, if static shifts are being used, overtime and doubletime before shift can also be assigned – potentially, a payment for overtime before a shift could be assigned a higher premium than overtime at the end of a shift. For example, being asked to come in at 4AM for a shift starting at 6AM could be valued more highly than staying on for an extra two hours at the end of the shift at 2PM. Can be calculated ‘Daily’ – each day is considered separately. Working longer hours on one day results in overtime being applied even if shorter days are worked on another day ‘Weekly’ – the week is considered in its entirety. Overtime only starts to be accrued when the threshold for the week has been passed ‘Daily & Weekly’ – each day is considered separately but the total hours for the week are taken into account if non-working days are worked ‘Worked’ means in attendance or on overtime-entitled absence
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Overtime Premiums Additional Pay for Overtime and Doubletime can be calculated in one of two ways By the payroll provider – overtime and doubletime hours are sent as base hours to the payroll provider who applies a different rate to these hours By TimeTrack – overtime and doubletime hours are automatically inflated by premium codes so that one hour of overtime is automatically adjusted to a higher figure before sending to payroll As an example, let’s say that employee 101 earns $10 an hour and works three hours overtime, earning ‘time-and-a-half’ for those hours If the payroll provider calculates the pay premium, TT sends a record to it saying that employee 101 worked 3 hours overtime. The payroll provider then assigns a rate of $15 ($10 x 1.5) to those hours, paying the employee $45 If TimeTrack is used to calculate the pay premium, TT automatically adjusts the 3 hours to 4.5 and sends a record to the payroll provider saying that employee 101 is entitled to 4.5 hours for overtime payable at the standard rate, meaning that the same payment of $45 is generated TimeTrack can also be used to calculate shift premiums in the same way. If a 20% factor is applied an 8- hour night shift, TT would send a record to the payroll provider to tell it to pay the employee for an uplifted 9.6 hours TT Premium Codes, if required, are set against the authorized hours for a shift day
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Overtime Logic Logic Set at Shift Level ‘Daily’ and ‘Daily & Weekly’ use authorized hours to determine when overtime and doubletime apply and when an employee’s clocked hours exceed the ‘expected’ hours for the day ‘Weekly’ uses these to determine when to apply the premiums (if applicable) ‘Weekly’ uses employee type to Determine overtime thresholds Determine when to pay overtime if full week not worked ‘Daily & Weekly’ uses employee type to Determine what constitutes a ‘full’ week Determine when to pay overtime if full week not worked Specify whether ‘standard’ Overtime and Doubletime needs to be manually authorized (all types of logic)
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Examples – Standard Shift Shift starts at 08:00 (8 AM) and ends at 17:00 (5 PM) with an unpaid lunch from 12:00 (12 PM) until 13:00 (1 PM). The same times apply for all Weekdays. Shift times are nominally the same for Saturday and Sunday but are considered to be ‘eligible for overtime’ Set Regular, Overtime and Doubletime Types to be used to update the ERP system Set ‘Before Shift’ Types if Shift is Static
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Examples – ‘Daily’ Employee is entitled to up to 2 hours overtime and up to 2 hours doubletime if working more than the 8 hours on a working day. If working on a non-working day, the employee is entitled to up to 4 hours overtime and up to 4 hours doubletime Set 8 hours as the expected ‘regular’ hours for working days Set 2 hours as the allowed ‘overtime’ hours for working days Set 2 hours as the allowed ‘doubletime’ hours for working days Set zero hours as the expected ‘regular’ hours for non-working days Set 4 hours as the allowed ‘overtime’ hours for non-working days Set 4 hours as the allowed ‘doubletime’ hours for non-working days Optionally, Assign Premium Codes for the various times
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Example – Daily Logic EmployeeDayHours Worked OverTimeDoubleTimePayroll TT Premium Reg OT DOT Payroll No Premium Reg OT DOT Exception? 101Monday9:001:000:008:00 1:15 0:008:00 1:00 0:00No 102Monday10:302:000:308:00 2:30 0:458:00 2:00 0:30No 103Monday12:302:002:308:00 2:30 3:458:00 2:00 2:30Yes 104Sunday3:00 0:000:00 3:45 0:000:00 3:00 0:00No 105Sunday9:004:005:000:00 5:00 7:300:00 4:00 5:00Yes 101 worked 9 hours so was entitled to 8 hours regular and 1 hour overtime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hour results in 1:15 being posted to OT in payroll 102 worked 10 hours 30 minutes so was entitled to 8 hours regular, 2 hours overtime and 30 minutes doubletime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 2:30 being posted to OT in payroll. Applying the 0.5 premium to the doubletime 30 minutes results in 0:45 being posted to DOT in payroll 103 worked 12 hours 30 minutes so was entitled to 8 hours regular, 2 hours overtime and 2 hours 30 minutes doubletime (after the expcetion was approved). Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 2:30 being posted to OT in payroll. Applying the 0.5 premium to the doubletime 2 hours 30 minutes results in 3:45 being posted to DOT in payroll 104 worked 3 hours on Sunday so was entitled to 3 hours overtime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 3:45 being posted to OT in payroll. 105 worked 9 hours on Sunday so was entitled to 4 hours overtime and 5 hours doubletime (after the exception was approved). Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 5:00 being posted to OT in payroll. Applying the 0.5 premium to the doubletime 5 hours results in 7:30 being posted to DOT in payroll
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Examples – ‘Weekly’ Employee is entitled to up to 20 hours overtime and up to 20 hours doubletime if working more than the 40 hours in a week. If the employee works less than 40 hours and then works at the weekend, the non-worked hours are paid at regular and the remainder at overtime Set 40 hours as the regular number of hours to be worked in the week before overtime starts to accrue Set 60 hours as the weekly threshold for doubletime to start accruing Set rules for Weekend overtime Specify whether the full week must have been worked Specify rules to apply if the full week was not worked
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Example – Weekly Logic EmployeeMon-Fri Hours Worked Sat Hours Worked OverTimeDoubleTime Payroll TT Premium Reg OT DOT Payroll No Premium Reg OT DOT Exception? 10143:000:003:000:0040:00 03:45 00:0040:00 03:00 00:00No 10239:004:003:000:0040:00 03:45 00:0040:00 03:00 00:00No 10354:008:0020:002:0040:00 25:00 03:0040:00 20:00 02:00No 101 worked 43 hours during the working week so was entitled to 40 hours regular and 3 hours overtime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 3:45 being posted to OT in payroll 102 worked 39 hours during the working week and 4 hours at the weekend so was entitled to 40 hours regular and 3 hours overtime (as the full working week had not been met). Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 3:45 being posted to OT in payroll 103 worked 54 hours during the working week and 8 hours at the weekend so was entitled to 40 hours regular, 20 hours overtime and 2 hours doubletime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 25:00 being posted to OT in payroll. Applying the 0.5 premium to the doubletime results in 3:00 being posted to DOT in payroll
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Examples – ‘Daily & Weekly’ Employee is entitled to up to 2 hours overtime and up to 2 hours doubletime if working more than the 8 hours on a working day. If working on a non-working day, the employee is entitled to up to 4 hours overtime and up to 4 hours doubletime, providing the appropriate number of hours have been worked in the week. If they have not, then the first four hours are paid at the regular rate Set the hours per shift day in the same way as for a ‘daily’ shift Set 40 hours as the total number of hours to be worked in the week before being paid at overtime rates for working non-working days Set rules for Weekend overtime if the full 40 hours have not been met Specify that the first 4 hours are to paid at regular The next 4 at overtime And any more at doubletime
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Worked Example – Daily & Weekly Logic EmployeeMon-Fri Hours Worked Mon-Fri Overtime Sat Hours Worked Total OverTime Double Time Payroll TT Premium Reg OT DOT Payroll No Premium Reg OT DOT Exception? 10143:003:000:003:000:0040:00 03:45 00:0040:00 03:00 00:00No 10239:002:008:006:000:0043:00 07:30 00:0040:00 06:00 00:00No 10346:006:008:0010:004:0040:00 12:30 06:0040:00 10:00 04:00No 101 worked 43 hours during the working week, including 3 hours overtime, so was entitled to 40 hours regular and 3 hours overtime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 3:45 being posted to OT in payroll 102 worked 39 hours during the working week (including 2 hours overtime on one of the days) and 8 hours at the weekend. As the full 40 hours had not been worked during the week, the rules from the Employee type were applied, meaning that the first 4 hours on the Saturday were considered as regular hours and the next four as overtime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 7:30 being posted to OT in payroll 103 worked 46 hours during the working week, including 6 hours overtime. As this exceeded the threshold for a ‘full’ week, the overtime logic was applied from the shift day for Saturday, meaning that 4 hours were considered as overtime and four as doubletime. Applying the 0.25 premium to the overtime hours results in 12:30 being posted to OT in payroll. Applying the 0.5 premium to the doubletime results in 6:00 being posted to DOT in payroll
Template v4 September 27, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved Time Track Overtime Logic