What will I learn today? Answers to these questions: 1.What’s the status of the new portal? 2.How do I arrive at a composite rating? 3.How are we expected to use TDES data from this year? 4.How much evidence is enough? 5.How do you rate artifacts? 6.What will support next year look like?
1. What’s the status of the new portal?
2. How do I arrive at a composite rating ? Attainment, sustainment and trajectory Not an average Teacher takes first pass Evaluator marks areas of agreement Composite conference focuses on remaining components Principal/evaluator has final say
3. How are we expected to use TDES data from this year? Make a spreadsheet of component ratings Identify trends Note “experts” in different components Match teachers to observe each other Offer building level PD on selected components if needed
4. How much evidence is enough? Enough to paint an accurate picture of the component. For artifacts, submit an exemplar: One, excellent sample that is representative Include an annotation for that exemplar
What is distinguished evidence? 4c ProficientDistinguished Teacher communicates frequently with families about the instructional program and conveys information about individual student progress. Teacher makes some attempts to engage families in the instructional program. Information to families is conveyed in a culturally appropriate manner. Teacher’s communication with families is frequent and sensitive to cultural traditions, with students contributing to the communication. Response to family concerns is handled with professional and cultural sensitivity. Teacher’s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful.
Family Communication Log What information would a communication log contain that would cause you to rate it distinguished? Be specific.
Family Communication Log Frequency of communication Nature of student contribution to the communication Family concerns raised Culturally sensitive adaptations Results of communication: successful
Exemplar Annotation, 4c “This is an example of my Family Communication Log. I have one for every month, on file, in my classroom. I highlighted some of the features that match with the distinguished features of 4c. The notes in red are for your convenience.”
5. How do you rate an artifact? Match the traits of the artifact with the traits in the rubric.
How would you rate this log? Refer to the distinguished level of 4c and rate this log. What does this suggest about evidence for other D4 components?
Reflecting on TDES What we did well... What we need to do better...
6. What will support next year look like? Increased academic supervision of progress via the portal Site visits Portal tools for building PD: TDES teams Face-to-face training: TDES teams
Looking Back: at Progress Glows Grows Most buildings completed 5 touches on time Most evidence is really evidence Most teachers understand the TDES process Many teachers report changes in their practice Expertise in rubrics can still grow (teachers/evaluators) Understanding of exemplars can grow Teacher submission of evidence can grow Match between evidence and rubrics can grow
Looking Ahead: at Expectations Portal data must be current DAILY The 10-day window will be strictly monitored: teacher and evaluator The data TDES provides must be USED to provide PD Individual Groups Building Support will continue to keep our rubrics in front of teachers all the time
What will I learn today? Answers to these questions: 1.What’s the status of the new portal? 2.How do I arrive at a composite rating? 3.How are we expected to use TDES data from this year? 4.How much evidence is enough? 5.How do you rate artifacts? 6.What will support next year look like?