When the nation caught a cold, Michigan caught pneumonia Before... This time... That won’t happen this time. It won’t be pretty but it certainly won’t be as bad as we’ve seen it before. Joe Ross, Manpower Metro Detroit November 2001
U.S. & Michigan Unemployment Rates Calendar Year Averages
Michigan Welfare Caseload Average Monthly Cases, By Fiscal Year
When the nation caught a cold, Michigan caught pneumonia... In the past: “That won’t happen this time. It won’t be pretty but it certainly won’t be as bad as we’ve seen it before.” Joe Ross, Manpower Metro Detroit November 2001
Current MI unemployment rate = 5.3% Predicted in 2002 = 6.3% = National rate
Michigan’s short term economic stimulus... 0% financing on automobile sales Realities: Jobs have not been lost but-- Overtime has been reduced. Take home pay is less
The Michigan System Response Local strategic planning has unified efforts to address needs Consolidation of WIA, Wagner-Peyser and TANF funds gives us more resilience Systematic approach includes employers which sustains partnerships through hard times Systematic approach is well-established and on-going