Movie Review of The Cotton Club Presented by M.Leden
The Synopsis Set during the 1920’s in Harlem (1928) Set during the 1920’s in Harlem (1928) The story follows those that played the club, ran the club, or visited the club. The story follows those that played the club, ran the club, or visited the club. Enveloped by amazing jazz music that is part of the colorful backdrop. Enveloped by amazing jazz music that is part of the colorful backdrop. Many race/ethnic, time, family, relationship and ethical issues arise. Many race/ethnic, time, family, relationship and ethical issues arise. Mobsters and regular people combine to create a dramatic but interesting film. Mobsters and regular people combine to create a dramatic but interesting film.
The Acting and Actors Richard Gere: white trumpet player Dixie Dywer Richard Gere: white trumpet player Dixie Dywer Gregory Hines: black tap dancer Sandman Williams Gregory Hines: black tap dancer Sandman Williams Diane Lane: white singer Vera Cicero and mobsters lady on the side Diane Lane: white singer Vera Cicero and mobsters lady on the side A little known Laurence Fishburn: A little known Laurence Fishburn: A little known Nicholas Cage A little known Nicholas Cage
The Scenery and Settings Exactly what the famed “Cotton Club” probably looked like! Exactly what the famed “Cotton Club” probably looked like! Behind the scenes scenery very proper. Behind the scenes scenery very proper. Apartment shots appropriate for the times. Apartment shots appropriate for the times. Party scenes with mob almost too stereotypical but great to watch! Party scenes with mob almost too stereotypical but great to watch! Mostly dark with pops of light in certain important moments. Light vs. Dark happening not only racially but in lighting. Mostly dark with pops of light in certain important moments. Light vs. Dark happening not only racially but in lighting.
The Costumes, Designs, Editing or Effects Costumes affective and correct for the time period. Costumes affective and correct for the time period. Lighting effects successful. Lighting effects successful. Old fashion editing with fun newspaper flashes on the screen, even if now considered cliché. Old fashion editing with fun newspaper flashes on the screen, even if now considered cliché.
The Music The jazz music on stage and in the background was always part of the action. The jazz music on stage and in the background was always part of the action. Seamless! Seamless!
The Direction Francis Ford Coppala Francis Ford Coppala Oscar Winner many times over! Oscar Winner many times over! Four for director Four for director Also director these: Also director these: Godfather series Godfather series American Graffitti American Graffitti Apocalypse Now Apocalypse Now The Outsiders The Outsiders Dracula Dracula
The Artistic Value Incredible music mixed beautifully with film and acting. Incredible music mixed beautifully with film and acting. The story only adds to the artistic value. The story only adds to the artistic value.
Opinions Worth seeing Worth seeing Four stars from Leden**** Four stars from Leden**** Makes a person want to live in this time period even if they might get killed. Makes a person want to live in this time period even if they might get killed. Frankly, why wouldn’t you want to see a film with gangsters who are well dressed and eloquent, beautiful women, singing, dancing, killing, etc? Frankly, why wouldn’t you want to see a film with gangsters who are well dressed and eloquent, beautiful women, singing, dancing, killing, etc?