Lisa K. Harrison Chief of Police
What the Board and Citizens Want Obstacles to What is Desired Drugs Heroin Meth Cocaine Violence Against Officers Citizens bad guy v. bad guy Property crime increases (burglary, stealing, auto theft) Persons crime increases (rape, robbery, homicide) Gangs Safe neighborhoods/ parks/ shopping areas Good businesses Low crime rates Good schools Efficient and effective spending of tax dollars Justification for Expenditure
Officers Assaulted
Leaner and easier budgeting process (1 budget, not 3) Passage of several new ordinances and agreements False alarms $ School District Federal Agencies $ Establishing triggers for automatic increases in the police force so we don’t get behind Chief’s Authority needs to be expanded: Re-organization based on operational need without changing the budget document (allot # of employees per category, let Chief place them as needed) Promotions, transfers, Suspensions, etc. ZERO Cost Initiatives (some revenue generating)
IT needs-With the Board’s prior blessing on 4/28/12 and thankfully with Director Hillin’s savings from other competitive bids the IT needs are mostly being covered including: Vehicle Computers and Rack Accessories Officer Cameras (replace dashboard cameras) Interview Room Video and Audio System Security ID System Upgrade – Elliott Data Evidence Bar Code Scanner/Reader/label printer Trunk repairs-$2K 2 Patrol Rifles (cut last year) $1100 ea + $300 ea rack PERSONNEL!!!! -training time 6-9 months from posting (new officer) -saving the best for last Improvements Recommended- Immediate (one time costs)
New or replacement officer uniform/equipment allocation must be increased (currently ZERO as it is absorbed in replacement cost, must be allotted at $10k) Officer uniform/equipment replacement costs must be increased (from $575 ea to $800) Building/grounds maintenance fund increase (building is a money pit) 4 wheel drive vehicles- have no vehicles to patrol in snow or in the construction areas (parks) (price depends on state contract) Molded back seats $2K and safer cages $2k- will prevent lawsuits and keep officers safer Return to Motorcycle trade in program Restraint Chair $1500 Master Comm’s must replace ($325 ea. Need 10) Patrol Rifles- 2 per year ($1100 ea) with rack ($300 ea) Shot gun racks $300 ea (need 15) Radios (new county system walkies- $5K ea. In car $8k ea)-most included I the upgrade Tasers (company phasing out old, must replace due to no repairs for old ones) $900 ea K-9 Unit ($35K to start $20K maintenance thereafter) Move to Caprice from Impala-initial cost is slightly more, maintenance much less MoPCA Certification ($5k) Improvements Recommended- to be included in budgeting process
Liability reduction through creating a professional standards unit to prevent negligent hiring, training, retention. Proper handling of internal investigations (training, grants, IA, PIO, future accreditation, off duty assignments, community relations, Field Training) Liability reduction by adding first line supervision and reducing mid-level management SEVEN officers scheduled on patrol at a given time with a minimum manpower of FOUR 143 neighborhoods 566 businesses 168 miles of streets 30,000 residents Rising crime stats RED LIGHT CAMERA PHASE OUT- accidents will increase Assistance with Administration with addition of a command officer Why do we need more officers?
Costs: Major $128, (advertised outside but in house process- zero cost process) Sergeant $5k outside process $94, for one Sgt will be a Savings from LT to Sgt upon Lt retirement Officer (6) $ 95, each 2 for Professional Standards 4 for Road Patrol Dispatcher $69, Records Clerk $49, Need 2 divisions, not 3 with creation of: 1- Major (keep Captain position) 2- 2 Sergeants (1 now, 1 when LT retires) 3- 2 officers –Professional Standards Unit 4- 4 road patrol officers 5- 1 additional full time dispatcher to alleviate OT/COMP scheduling issues 6- 1 records clerk Vehicles will also need to be purchased at around $35K each fully equipped (4) Personnel and Organizational Structure
Manpower- IMMEDIATE RECOMMENDED CHANGES Chief Capt- Operations Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc computers/ cameras/A ED Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipment Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc officer equipment Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc Jail 1 lead corr tech 2 commissioned 3 corrections Major/ asst chief support services Detective Sgt 3 Detective 1 Evidence 2 U/C Prof. Stand SGT 2 ofcs Reserves training, grants, IA, PIO Accreditati on off duty, community relations, FTO Special svs Sgt current LT position SRO-3 DARE-1 Traffic-4 Animal Control-2 DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp 1 FT disp Office Manager 3 FT Records Clerks Records clerk chaplains Admin Asst
Board’s Expectations Fully staffed with quality officers and employees 2.Operating at or above industry standard in software and technology 3.Prepared for the pending population explosion 4.Maintain or lower crime rates and officer assaults Wentzville Police Department Chief’s Goals
We will continue to serve and protect to the best of our abilities with the resources you have entrusted to us.
Manpower- Proposed NEAR FUTURE (3-5 year) NEEDS Green and Red previous expansion ORANGE- job tasks BLUE- expansion for this phase -6 commissioned ofcs, 2 comm corrections, Corr supv, 2 dispatchers, 1 civ evidence, 1 records Chief Capt- Operatio ns Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc dompute rs/camer as Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc officer equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc crime scene/AE D/ other equipme nt Correctio ns Supv Comm Correctio ns non- comm corr 2 Comm Correctio ns Major/ asst chief support services Detectiv e Sgt 3 Detectiv e 1 Evidence 2 U/C Commun ity Action team (4) 1 rotating detective 1 civ. Evidence Prof. Stand SGT 2 ofcs Reserves training, grants, IA, PIO Accreditat ion off duty, communit y relations, FTO 1 officer Support Sgt SRO DARE Traffic Animal Control DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp 2 FT dispatch ers Office Manager 3 FT Records Clerks 1 records clerk chaplains Admin Asst
Manpower-Proposed FUTURE (5-7 YEAR) NEEDS Chief Capt- Operatio ns Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc Comput ers/cam eras Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1ofc officer equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1ofc crime scene/A ED/ other equipme nt Correcti ons Supv Comm Correcti ons non- comm corr 2 Comm Correcti ons Major/ asst chief support services Detectiv e Sgt 3 Detectiv e 1 Evidenc e 2 U/C Commu nity Action team 1 rotating DET. 1 DET. 1 civ evidence Prof. Stand SGT 3 ofcs Reserve s training, grants, IA, PIO Accredit ation off duty, commu nity relation s, FTO 1 ofc Support Sgt SRO DARE Traffic Animal Control DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp 2 FT dispatch ers 2 PT DISP Office mgr 3 FT Records Clerks 1 records clerk 1 records Chaplains Admin Asst GREEN, RED, BLUE ARE FROM PREVIOUS EXPANSION ORANGE- JOB TASKS PURPLE- expansion for this phase: 5 commissioned, 2 PT dispatchers