1 Accelerators and Sustainable Nuclear Energy Programme Srikumar Banerjee Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, and Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy, India IIFC Interaction Meeting at RRCAT Indore, October 26–28, 2010
2 Projections of growth of nuclear energy The revival of nuclear power seems imminent Growing concerns on climate change Improvement in the economic and safety performance of nuclear power plants.
3 Strong correlation between per capita GDP and electricity consumption In the rapidly growing economies of large developing countries like India and China, a fast growth is already taking place. Multi-fold growth in the installed capacity is envisaged. Increased share of nuclear power is inevitable. India China OECD USA Goal for India in 2050
4 Nuclear power will play an important role for sustainable supply of energy in India with high population density * References: {1} “Integrated Energy Policy”, report of the expert committee, Planning Commission, Government of India, 2006 {2} “A Strategy for Growth of Electrical Energy in India”, document 10, August 2004, DAE Nuclear share must increase multifold to meet energy demands without leading to unmanageable environmental burden Deficit: ~1094 GWe to be met with - Nuclear & Coal Case study- India Per Capita Electricity Consumption: 700 kWh/year Planning commission- 8% growth{1} Planning commission- 9% growth{1} DAE {2} Renewables including hydro {2} Capacity for Electricity Consumption of ~5000 kWh/year/ person corresponding to FDIof 0.8 ~4.7 billion tonne /year [>4 times current US coal consumption for electricity generation] ~7.7 Gte of CO2 emissions Coal
5 Large scale deployment of nuclear energy – important considerations for sustainability Environment Clean concentrated energy Resources Fissile material Fertile material Neutrons Long lived nuclear waste Safety and security Economy Selection of fuel cycle policy determines sustainability We have an obligation towards our next generation
6 With IAEA INPRO moderate scenario, the requirement of uranium to sustain once-through use in LWRs soon exceeds uranium resources. Current uranium consumption: 436 reactors - installed capacity 370 GW, Production in 2008 – 43,764 T Currently identified resources (5.47 million T) Requirement of uranium (INPRO moderate scenario) With 5.47 million T of uranium, a maximum installed capacity of 570 GW can be in place. A capacity of 1415 GW would need 16 million T of Uranium. Timely transition to closed nuclear fuel cycle Use of Pu in fast reactors multiplies energy production by about 60 Thorium (resource three times larger than Uranium) can further extend energy potential.
7 Neutronic characteristics of fissile and fertile nuclides Larger thermal capture cross-section of thorium leading to lower losses due to structural and other parasitic captures Improved conversion of 232 Th to 233 U Constant value (> 2.0) over a wide energy range Higher conversion ratios with thorium utilisation in reactors operating in the thermal/epithermal spectrum. Thermal Capture cross section (barn) Thorium acts as a burnable poison in initial stages while contributes towards additional reactivity through 233 U formation at a later stage- “fissible” poison
8 Three Stage Indian Nuclear Power Programme incorporates closed fuel cycle and thorium utilisation as a main-stay for sustained growth. Electricity Thorium utilisation for Sustainable power programme U fueled PHWRs Pu Fueled Fast Breeders Nat. U Dep. U Pu Th U 233 Fueled Reactors Pu U 233 Electricity Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 PHWR FBTR AHWR Power generation primarily by PHWR Building fissile inventory for stage 2 Expanding power programme Building U 233 inventory U GWe-Year About GWe-Year Power potential ~ 530 GWe with 300 GWe using thorium GWe-Year
9 Closed fuel cycle reduces nuclear waste burden Radio toxicity of spent fuel is determined by FPs for first 100 years. It is then determined mainly by Pu (>90%). If Pu is removed, MAs specially Am (~9%) determine the rest of the long term radio toxicity. Natural decay of spent fuel radiotoxicity With early introduction of fast reactors in Indian programme, carry forward of nuclear waste will be reduced.
Accelerator Driven Sub-critical Reactor System (ADS) With relevance to 3-Stage nuclear power program, an option being explored is a new type of fission reactor, where nuclear power (say, MWe) can be generated in a neutron multiplying core (k eff < ) without the need of criticality. This can be accomplished with the help of an external neutron source.
Generating “External Neutrons”
Neutron source requirement for ADS At 1 GeV kinetic energy, a proton interacting with heavy nuclei produces ~ neutrons in spallation reaction. At 10 mA beam current or, 10 MW beam power, this reaction can yield ~ neutrons/sec. For k ~ 0.95 to 0.98, thermal fission power in range MW would require driving neutron source strength of ~ neutrons/sec. High power proton accelerator (1 GeV, > 10 mA CW current) is required for ADS application
Major Accelerator Laboratories in India Raja Rammana Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore : Home for 2 SRS; Running SCRF Program Nodal DAE institute for CERN Collaboration Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata: Hosts Variable Energy Cyclotron; SC Cyclotron has been set up; Building RIB Facility Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai:Folded Tandem Ion Accelerator, Building an injector for HIPA Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai: 14 UD Pelletron+SC Booster Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), Delhi : 15 UD Pelletron & SC Booster - Nuclear Physics & Material Science.
Proton IS 50 keV RFQ 3 MeV DTL 20 MeV DTL/ CCDTL Super- conducting SC Linac 1 GeV 100 MeV Normal Conducting High current injector 20 MeV, 30 mA 1 GeV Proton Accelerator Scheme Phase II Phase III Low Energy High Intensity Proton Accelerator ( LEHIPA)
LEHIPA- Subsystems under Development Pre-braze inspection Design completed and fabrication is in progress ECR Ion Source RFQ DTL Beginning/End Cell Coupling CellElliptical SC Cavity
Facility for ADS Experiments (High neutron flux) ISDTL LEBTMEBT RFQ Reflector (Pb) Moderator Beryllium target Proton Beam (20 MeV, 30 mA) Neutron Yield for Beryllium target
Beyond 20 MeV LEHIPA Scale up to 1 GeV using the SC technology and leap frog from low to high energy Spallation Neutron source for multidisciplinary research and applications( J-PARC, PSI, SNS, LANSCE) External neutrons coupling to sub – critical core, neutronics studies, reactor physics related Production of Neutrons – Protons Vs Electrons
Neutron based R & D Nuclear / High Energy Physics Neutron Scattering, Crystallography Engineering experiments in beamline Disordered Materials, Large Scale Structures Magnetism, Biology
Multidisciplinary Research
Enabling Science and Technology Superconducting Radio Frequency Science and Technology including Test facilities and High Current proton drivers General Accelerator Science and Technology, including conventional and free electron lasers Superconducting Materials R&D for RF related projects. Development of Novel & Large Particle Detectors Neutrino Physics
Physics design studies, simulation, beam dynamics, halo formation.. Critical Technologies for development of High Energy Accelerators ●Design and fabrication of SC cavities for different energy ranges ●High Power RF systems - Solid state amplifiers, klystrons, circulators.. ●Low Level RF power ( LLRF) electronics ●Accelerator control systems ●Cryogenics ●Characterisation facilities Requirements for Building High Energy Accelerators
SCRF Science and Technology Program For high energy accelerators, development of SCRF Cavities and associated technology is being pursued International Collaboration in Advanced Accelerators like Project –X, ILC etc. A comprehensive program for design, development, manufacturing and testing of SCRF cavity and cryomodule is under implementation
Superconducting Materials Materials R & D for SCRF application Characterization of indigenously developed materials SCRF Activities at Indian Institutions SCRF Cavity Development Physics design Cavity fabrication (spoke resonator cavities, elliptical cavities) Cavity processing and testing Tuner design and prototype development Contd.
Cryogenic Engineering Test Stands for SCRF Cavities Cryomodule design and prototyping Cryogenic systems with large scale refrigeration RF Technology Development Measurement and characterization of SCRF Cavity Capacity building for high power RF generation and transmission for proton accelerator needs. SCRF Activities at Indian Institutions
Qualification of Nb Materials for SCRF Cavity Fabrication All cavities fabricated in the same way do not give high gradients and cavity gradients are often way below theoretical maximum ~ 55 MV/m Current approach: Focuses on improving the residual resistivity ratio (RRR) of the Nb. Involves expensive Niobium refinement process An improved Nb qualification scheme in terms of superconducting critical field and surface conductivity has been devised [Superconducting Science and Technology 21, (2008) and 22, (2009)]
Indigenous Development of High RRR Niobium RRR is ~ 100 Size 300 mm x 2.8 mm thickness Suitable for 1.3 GHz Cavities SC properties acceptable Hardness ~ 100 Hv ( need < 50Hv) Purity / Chemical composition C,O,H,N ~ 125 ppm ( need<32 ppm) Indigenous Niobium sheets & 3.9 GHz formed half cells NFC, Hyderabad Development of materials, testing of mechanical properties RRCAT, Indore Electrical, superconducting properties, elemental analysis
Dies for the spoke End wall formed in Cu Nb Shells Superconducting RF Cavity Development Formed Niobium Half cellForming Tooling (Al alloy T6)
RRCAT-IUAC Team members with First 1.3 GHz Single cell cavity 1.3 GHz Single Cell Cavity Prototype in Niobium IUAC EBW machine
Two prototype 1.3 GHz bulk Nb SC cavities These cavities have been processed and tested at 2 K at ANL & Fermilab for performance evaluation
The Q v/s E plot of the 2K test of the prototype single-cell superconducting cavity "TE1CAT002" at FNAL. Acceleration gradient achieved: 21 MV/m Q value of 1.5 E+10 Performance Testing of Single Cell Niobium Cavity at 2K
Infrastructure Installed Electro-polishing setup Centrifugal barrel polishing machine Cavity forming facility High pressure rinsing Infrastructure for SCRF Cavity Development Electro-polishing setup Cavity forming facility Centrifugal barrel polishing machine High pressure rinsing Set up
Infrastructural Work In Progress Building expected to be ready by mid Infrastructure being Setup Clean Room (Class ) Electron beam welding machine High vacuum annealing furnace Cavity machining facilities CMM, SIMS etc
On October 14, 2010, RRCAT produced more than 150 litres of Liquid Helium in its maiden run, Average liquefaction rate of 6 lit/hr Indigenously Developed Helium Liquefier Development of Cryogenic Infrastructure
Development of 2 K Cryostat A 2K cryostat has been indigenously designed, built and commissioned The cryostat has a working volume of 200 mm dia and 200 mm height. It is being used for temperature sensor calibration down to 1.7K.
A VTS-2 has been designed in collaboration with Fermilab for testing of the following cavities at 2 K : Single & multi-cell Tesla type cavities Single spoke resonator cavity 325 MHz Triple spoke resonator cavity 325 MHz Development of Vertical Test Stand 3-D Model of VTS-2 Cryostat VTS-2 is now being fabricated through Fermilab (under MoU) and will be installed at RRCAT.
Design & Development of Horizontal Test stand 3-D Model Completed in UGNX-4 at RRCAT Design activities in progress
650MHz cryomodule Cross section of 650MHz Cryomodule 3-D Model Completed in UGNX-4 at RRCAT Design activities in progress
Some Novel Concepts for Better Functionality and Lower Cost Modification in 2K supply line to reduce manufacturing cost and facilitate easier manufacturing Alternate cavity support system with C-T joints, for supporting cavities inside the cryomodule. Prototyped end group in Nb made at RRCAT, by machining solid Nb block for reducing cost and better functionality
Guide Rods (4 nos ) Interface Ring (2 nos ) Piezo Outer Wedge Plate Sliding Wedge Plate Fixed Flat Plate sub assemblysub assembly sub assembly sub assembly Cavity Tuner Design
Thank you Wedge Tuner Mock up Assembly at CDM Prototype Tuner for β=1 cavity
Solid state bouncer modulator developed for LINAC 4 (CERN) 1MW, MHz, pulsed power achieved from the CERN LEP Klystron 100 kV, 800 µsec pulse duration, 2Hz PRR solid state bouncer modulator MHz, 1MW Pulsed Test Stand Pulsed High RF Power Generation Long duration solid state pulse modulator technology, high power RF generation & waveguides WR 2300 waveguide components
Design and Development of High Power Rectangular Waveguides WR 2300 Waveguide components ( Al alloy 6061) 1.5 MW Av. power min at MHz Technological capability to develop dual directional couplers, E and H Plane bends, Magic TEE power dividers, High power RF Loads etc. WR 2300 waveguide feed structures for proton accelerators WR 2300 Full Height straight section WR 2300 Half Height straight section Coaxial to W/G transition
Generating “External Neutrons”
44 Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical System- A technology to producing neutrons for incineration of long-lived waste. Accelerator Driven Systems Electricity Waste incineration Schematic of ADS for electricity generation
45 Thorium utilisation in PHWR ADS: Once through mode Initial fuel: Nat. U & Th Normal refuelling of U bundles (~ 7 GWd/t) Th will reside longer 233 U generation adds reactivity Compensate by replacing some U by Th Th increases and U decreases Ultimately fully Th core In situ breeding and burning Th Advantages Use of natural fuels only 140 tons U consumption during reactor life High burnup of Th ~ 100 GWd/t Disadvantage Low keff ~0.9 and gain < 20 with Pb target Accelerator power ~ 30 MW for a 200 MWe ADS
46 Thorium utilisation in Heavy Water Moderated ADS: Recycling mode Self sustaining cycles Very difficult for critical reactors Very low burn-ups Quite simple for ADS mode PHWR At K~ burn-up of about 50 GWd/t possible Gain is 40-50
47 Ongoing Indian activities in ADS programme Design studies of a 1 GeV, 30 mA proton linac. Development of 20 MeV high current proton linac for front-end accelerator of ADS. Construction of LBE experimental loop for design validation and materials tests for spallation target module. Development of computational tools and data for neutronics of spallation target and coupled sub-critical reactor. Experimental validation of reactor physics codes and data with 14-MeV neutrons in sub-critical core at PURNIMA labs. Design studies for ADS experimental reactor
Comparison Spallation / Photonuclear
Specifications of the electron driver accelerator
Summary Thrust areas in High Intensity Proton Accelerator R&D program Low energy front end NC Proton LINAC High energy LINAC with SCRF technology Spallation Neutron Source interfaced to multiplying medium Ongoing R&D activities 20 MeV high current proton LINAC Setting up of infrastructure for SCRF technology Superconducting materials SCRF cavities and cryomodule SCRF cavity test facility ( VTS/HTS) ADS will contribute in the long term goal of India’s Three-stage Nuclear power program International collaboration on common objectives for mutual benefit