Overview of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee
3 INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) Founded in 1953 Over 180 member SAI’s (Supreme Audit Institutions) Issues international guidelines, develop methodologies, provides training, promotes the exchange of information among members
4 INCOSAI The congress is the supreme organ of INTOSAI and is composed of all members. Once every three years INTOSAI holds regular meetings, which are chaired by the hosting SAI. It offers all INTOSAI members an opportunity to share experiences, discuss issues, and pass resolutions and recommendations to improve government accountability worldwide. INCOSAI XIX - November 5 to 10, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico
5 Before the Strategic Plan INCOSAI INTOSAI Governing Board Regional Working Groups Secretary General Auditing Standards Committee (ASC)Sub-committee on SAI IndependenceCommittee on Accounting StandardsPublic Debt CommitteeInternal Control Standards CommitteeCommittee on IT AuditWorking Group on PrivatizationWorking Group on Env. AuditingWorking Group on Progr. EvaluationTask-Force: Audit of International Inst. Task-Force: Money Laundering IDIIJGA
6 After the Strategic Plan INCOSAI INTOSAI Governing Board Goal 1: Professional Standards Committee (PSC) Regional Working GroupsSecretary General – strategic director Goal 2: Capacity Building Committee Goal 3: Knowledge sharing Goal 4: Finance & Administration Committee
7 Strategic Goal 1 - Accountability and Professional Standards (1) The overall purpose of the Strategic Goal 1 is to provide an up-to-date framework of professional standards that is relevant to the needs of the SAI’s. Expected Benefits: Capitalizes on INTOSAI’s accomplishments to date. Provides greater focus and attention on professional standards.
8 Strategic Goal 1 - Accountability and Professional Standards (2) Raises the profile and status of INTOSAI’s audit-setting process (and participation with other standard-setting organizations) within the broader accountability community. Recognizes and provides the scope for enhanced effectiveness of the work on professional standards without increasing the level of SAI input by rationalizing the committee structure. Promotes the adoption and application of professional standards consistent with the requirements and authorities of SAI and national sovereignty.
9 The structure of the PSC PSC Chair (DK) Financial Audit Guidelines Subcommittee (Sweden) Compliance Audit Subcommittee (Norway) Internal Control Standards Subcommittee (Belgium) Subcommittee on SAI Independence (Canada) Accounting Standards Subcommittee (USA) Performance Audit Guidelines Subcommittee (Brazil) PSC Goal Liaison (Portugal) PSC Steering Committee PSC Secretariat (DK) PSC
11 The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions consist of all documents endorsed by INCOSAI with the purpose of guiding the professional standards used by SAI’s. This includes recommendations on the legal, organisational and professional prerequisites as well as on the conduct of the auditing and any other tasks with which SAI’s may be entrusted. Where appropriate ISSAI- documents may include examples or description of good practices. ISSAI (1) International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
12 Each document is given a 1-4 digit ISSAI-number. The number of digits indicates at which of the following hierarchical level the document belongs: Level 1: Founding Principles Level 2: Prerequisites for the functioning of Supreme Audit Institutions Level 3: Fundamental Auditing Principles Level 4: Auditing Guidelines ISSAI (2) International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
13 INTOSAI Guidance for Good Governance (INTOSAI GOV) INTOSAI Guidance for Good Governance comprise documents endorsed by INCOSAI containing guidance on internal control, accounting standards and other matters within the administrations sphere of responsibility. This includes documents with the purpose of guiding the SAI’s in their professional assessment of measures taken by administrative authorities or with the purpose of guiding administrative authorities and encourage good governance. The numbers are reserved for this category of documents, and the acronym INTOSAI GOV is used instead of ISSAI. With this amendment the classification principles apply also to these documents.
14 Other documents Other documents – such as reports, glossaries, lists of organisations or collections of examples for purely inspirational purposes – are not numbered. They can be included in framework only as an annex to the relevant ISSAI or INTOSAI GOV document.
15 Framework of INTOSAI’s standards and guidelines (1) Level 1 – Founding principles ISSAI 1 The Lima Declaration Level 2 – Prerequisites for the functioning of SAI’s ISSAI 10Independence [to be adopted at INCOSAI 2007] ISSAI 20Code of Ethics [existing] ISSAI 30 Transparency and Accountability [planned] ISSAI 40 [reserved for future codes] ISSAI 50[reserved for future codes] ISSAI 60[reserved for future codes] ISSAI 70[reserved for future codes] ISSAI 80[reserved for future codes] ISSAI 90[reserved for future codes] International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI)
16 Level 3 – Fundamental Auditing Principles ISSAI 100 Basic Principles [existing in INTOSAI Auditing Standards] ISSAI 200General Standards [existing in INTOSAI Auditing Standards] ISSAI 300Field Standards [existing in INTOSAI Auditing Standards] ISSAI 400Reporting Standards [existing in INTOSAI Auditing Standards] ISSAI 500[reserved for future principles] ISSAI 600[reserved for future principles] ISSAI 700[reserved for future principles] ISSAI 800[reserved for future principles] ISSAI 900[reserved for future principles] Level 4 – Auditing Guidelines ISSAI 1000 – 2999 Financial Audit Guidelines [planned] ISSAI 3000 – 3999 Performance Audit Guidelines [existing and future] ISSAI 4000 – 4999 Compliance Audit Guidelines [planned] ISSAI 5000 – 5999 Guidelines on Specific Subjects [existing and planned] ISSAI 6000 – 6999 [reserved for future guidelines] ISSAI 7000 – 7999 [reserved for future guidelines] ISSAI 8000 – 8999 [reserved for future guidelines] Framework of INTOSAI’s standards and guidelines (2)
17 Guidance on Internal Control Standards (INTOSAI GOV 9100 – 9199) INTOSAI Guidance for Good Governance (INTOSAI GOV) Guidance on Accounting Standards Accounting Standards Frame- work (INTOSAI GOV 9200) Implementation Guides (INTOSAI GOV 9201 – 9299) Framework of INTOSAI’s standards and guidelines (3)
18 More information on
19 Thank you! Thank you! Roman Śmigielski, Senior Auditor