Page 101 Greek City States (Athens & Sparta) Page 100 Warm Up: If you had to chose between Intelligence (Brains) or Strength (Brawns) which one would.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 101 Greek City States (Athens & Sparta) Page 100 Warm Up: If you had to chose between Intelligence (Brains) or Strength (Brawns) which one would you choose and why? Make a T-Chart to display the Pro’s and Con’s of your choice. Class work: Date: A B Homework: 1.Complete Worksheet 2.Complete Greece Vocab All words  Will be checked on Greece Day 4 (Next Class) How did the city-state structure of Greece impact its society? 1)Warm-Up/Discuss 2)Debate Prep 3)Readings 4)Review Homework 5)Wio/Closure WIO:WIO: Review your T-Chart from the Warm Up, and reflect on the information you learned today by creating another T-Chart that shows at least 4 differences on each side between Athens & Sparta.

Warm-Up If you had to chose between Intelligence (Brains) or Strength (Brawns) which one would you choose and why?

Debate Questions: You will split off into two sides (Brains) vs (Brawn). Once on your side of the topic- Turn and Talk with your neighbors about the questions below. You will return to your seats and be silent once the music has stopped. 1. Why did you select the Side you chose? What about these Human Characteristics appeal to you? (Intelligence vs Physical Strength) 2. How could any of the 8 basic features of a civilization influence your decision? 3. What experiences from your life have drawn you to this conclusion? 4. What would be the counter argument to your side?

Knowing that you had interaction with Google Maps in Science: Let’s look at a Google Map image of Greece, and compare the Locations of Athens and Sparta. Compare the geography of Athens to Sparta: Which one would benefit most from it’s location and why? These two city-states were constantly at war, or in disagreement with each other; seeing that they are geographically far from each other-Predict why you think there was such conflict.

Reading Directions You will have the rest of class to complete your assigned reading. The topic of each reading is Athens & Sparta. You will reading the passage first. Once you are done, you will see me to make sure your answers are correct After completing the worksheet, finish your WIO. I am collecting the WIO’s. If you finish both, see me about working on an enrichment topic.

WIO Review your T-Chart from the Warm Up, and reflect on the information you learned today by creating another T- Chart that shows at least 4 differences on each side between Athens & Sparta.

HW: Complete Athens vs Sparta Quote WS Since this is Presidents Week-Lets look at a quote from an American president and analyze it together. Read through both quotes, and decide whether you think the quote best represents the government model of Ancient Sparta or Athens. Underline a line from the quote that exemplifies either Spartan or Athenian values and explain why that sentence is important. Finally take a guess at which historical figure said it. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” 1. Athens or Sparta? 2. Which line would we underline? 3. Who said it? What makes you come to that inference?