Optical Illusions Honors Geometry
How do optical illusions happen? Many of us have at least once come across optical illusions in our lifetime. Beside being fun to solve, optical illusions have the power to puzzle and bewilder because we have an implicit trust that what our senses tell us is physical reality.
Do our the senses (the brain) lie? Illusions are a nice window into how the brain works. It is surprising to find out that the eye cannot see, it merely perceives information which is passed down to the brain where innumerable processes of classification, comparison, and decision-making are initiated.
Keep your eyes on the dot. Is it in front, or in back of the cube?
Duck or rabbit?
Impossible Trident Impossible Crate
Spirit Catcher Keep your eyes on the lighter areas where the black lines intersect. You should probably notice circles coming from the center of the design. The trick is that a light color appears brighter when it contrasts against a darker color. So, people see the areas adjacent to the intersections to be slightly brighter, causing what appears to be circles.
The Bird
Queen Elizabeth II Stare at the picture (on the left) for about 45 seconds. Then, stare at the white section of this image (the right section). You should see the Queen again. Keep your concentration, and for those 45 seconds, don't take your eyes off the picture.
Do you see a musician or a girl's face? Do you see the face? Or an Eskimo?
Do you see an old man's face or two lovers kissing? Can you see the three faces?
Geometrical-Optical Illusions http://www.sapdesignguild.org/resources/optical_illusions/index.html http://www.sapdesignguild.org/resources/optical_illusions/index.html http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/ https://www.brainbashers.com/opticalillusions.asp