Drug Definitions
Drug In federal law- A. any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia (drug making) or formulary of the nation. A. any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia (drug making) or formulary of the nation. B. any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals. C. any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.
Use, Misuse, Abuse Drug Use: Taking a legal drug correctly for a legitimate medical reason. Drug Misuse: Taking a legal drug inappropriately. Drug Abuse: - Taking a legal drug in order to get high, or in such a manner that day to day life is impeded (Ex: vocational, physical, social) - Taking any illegal drug for any purpose.
Use, Misuse or Abuse: What do YOU think? 1. Drinking 3 cups of coffee a week. 2. Drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. 3. Taking aspirin whenever one feels pain. 4. Smoking pot while driving. 5. Smoking pot at home every day. 6. Using alcohol under the age of Having a couple of beers at a party (21 or older). 8. Having a couple of beers at a party (18). 9. Snorting cocaine about once a month. 10. Snorting cocaine before a job interview. 11. Taking a caffeine pill to stay awake to study for a test. 12. Using steroids to “get bigger” for spring break. 13. Using steroids to keep playing in the NFL. 14. LSD use by a healthy teenager. 15. LSD use by a 50-yr-old with terminal cancer. 16. Putting a sedative in a person’s drink at a party. 17. Taking a sedative to relax after a stressful day.
Addiction Addiction: - The repeated, compulsive seeking/use of a behavior despite its known harmful effects and consequences. - Being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming
Addictive Thinking Denial / Rationalization / Humor / “That may be a problem for some people, but not for me” “It won’t happen to me” “I used to think getting good grades (or sports or drama or music) was important, but I’ve grown out of that” “I only drink on weekends” “I used to like Molly, but now she doesn’t understand me” “Everybody does it. I’m no different than anybody else” “I’m to young to be an alcoholic” “It is just part of High School” “Everybody is doing it” “Did you hear what ??????? did while high on Friday?”
USE ABUSE Addiction/Dependency 1.Preoccupation 2.Compulsion 3.Loss of Control 4.Continued Involvement Behavior/Action Addictions Substance Addictions Cigarettes/Nicotine Alcohol Marijuana Speed Prescription Drugs Sugars / Carbs Chocolate Coffee Relationships Work-A-Holic Risk Taking / Adrenaline Exercise Eating / No Eating Gambling Sex Related Lying / Stealing TV / Computer / phone
To use or not to use? Internal Influences Knowledge/Facts Curiosity Interests; likes/dislikes Desires (to feel accepted, loved, powerful, etc.) Perceptions Fears External Influences Media/Advertising Legal Restrictions Setting/Location Culture Parents/Family Peers/Friends Role Models (Outside family - athletes, celebrities, musicians, etc.)
TOLERANCE Needing more and more to get the same feeling or “high”. WITHDRAWL Symptoms people feel when they can’t get the drug they’re addicted to.
Dysfunctional Resorting to unhealthy behaviors to get needs met. Enable - Helping the user to use. - Not holding the drug user responsible for his/her actions. - Allowing Drug Problems to continue. - Covering/Lying for someone. - Caring for someone.
Myths and Denials Drug Use
Myths Drug Myth - Unrealistic beliefs that are used to justify drug use.
Myths - Drug use provides emotional protection from the outside world. What makes this myth partially true? What makes it a myth? - Drugs help people to establish friendships. What makes this myth partially true? What makes it a myth?
Myths - People get used to a drug - Drug use shows independence
There are many myths about drug use. - Knowing the truth allows us to make better choices. Although some myths are partially true, for the most part, they are untrue and unrealistic. - Knowing the truth allows us to make better choices. Although some myths are partially true, for the most part, they are untrue and unrealistic.
DENIAL - Ignoring consequences that are obvious to others.
- What would be an example of someone living in denial regarding his/her drug use? - What do you think makes a person live in denial? - What are the benefits of living in denial? - What does the person get out of it?
Four Kinds of DENIAL - Blame others - Deny injury - Deny effects on others - Reinterpretation (make negative consequences seem positive)
- Do you think that people who believe MYTHS about drug use are in denial? Why? - Without mentioning names, raise your hand if you know of a person who is in denial about their drug use. - What does this person do that makes you think they are in denial?
T = Trial R = Recreation A = Abuse P = Pinned Down (addicted)