Famous People of Renaissance Mrs. Petras
Baldassare Castiglione Social Writer Social Writer The book of the Courtier The book of the Courtier
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Donatello Classical ClassicalSculptures
Leonardo da Vinci Renaissance Man Renaissance Man –Painter –Scientist –inventor
Raphael Sanzio
Sofonisba Anguissola
Artemisia Gentileschi
Francesco Petrarch Poet - Humanist Poet - Humanist Wrote in Italian and Latin Wrote in Italian and Latin Famous sonnet Laura Famous sonnet Laura
Giovanni Boccaccio Writer Writer Decameron – Decameron – Characters are presented Characters are presented In all their individuality
Niccolo Machiavelli Writer/Diplomat Writer/Diplomat The Prince The Prince Examines how rulers gain power and keep it Examines how rulers gain power and keep it “the end always justifies the means” “the end always justifies the means” “lie, cheat and kill” “lie, cheat and kill”
Vittoria Colonna Writer – poet Writer – poet Exchanged letters with Michelangelo and helped Castiglione publish “The Courtier” Exchanged letters with Michelangelo and helped Castiglione publish “The Courtier”
Albrecht Durer*** Painter Painter Helped spread Renaissance to the North Helped spread Renaissance to the North Prints portray religious subjects or classical myths Prints portray religious subjects or classical myths Realistic landscapes Realistic landscapes
Hans Holbein
Jan van Eyck Painter Painter Oil based paints Oil based paints Display unusual realistic details Display unusual realistic details
Pieter Bruegel Realistic painter Realistic painter Great at painting large groups Great at painting large groups Interested in Everyday life Interested in Everyday life
Desiderius Erasmus Christian Humanist/Writer Christian Humanist/Writer All Should study Bible All Should study Bible The Praise of Folly The Praise of Folly
Sir Thomas More Christian Humanist/Writer Christian Humanist/Writer Wrote in Latin Wrote in Latin Utopia – no place Utopia – no place
Writer Writer First woman to earn a living as a writer First woman to earn a living as a writer The Book of The City of Ladies The Book of The City of Ladies First woman to question the different treatment of boys and girls First woman to question the different treatment of boys and girls Christine de Pizan
William Shakespeare
Johann Gutenberg Inventor Inventor Printing Press Printing Press The Gutenberg Bible The Gutenberg Bible