Office of the City Manager
2 Presentation Agenda 11 1 Mission Statement Core Services Finance and Budget Admin. Economic Development Grants Administration Security Services Parking Enforcement Accomplishments and Goals 02:30 to 03: Financials 26 10
3 Office of the City Manager Ensure the provision of professional leadership in the administration and execution of policies and objectives formulated by City Council to meet the current and future needs of the city through the preparation and management of the annual balanced budget.
4 Core Services -City Finance and Budget Administration -Economic Development -Grants Administration -Security Services -Parking Enforcement Services
5 Finance and Budget Admin. -Ensure that the City develops and maintains a balanced budget -Conduct ongoing reviews of revenues and expenditures to monitor progress
6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -Facilitate business growth through partnerships with local Chamber(s) of Commerce and other development agencies -Market and promote the City’s commercial/downtown areas -Attract new businesses to revitalize neighborhoods, reduce sales tax leakage, and increase City revenue -Serve as an Executive for Redevelopment -Partner with workforce development agencies to generate and promote job opportunities in the City
7 GRANTS ADMINISTRATION -Apply for Local, State and Federal funding to support City operational goals -Provide $230,000 in funding to local non-profits to assist low to moderate income persons with various social services -Monitor grant compliance guidelines to ensure regulations and requirements are achieved -Reimburse eligible costs, therefore relieving the City’s General Fund
8 Security Services Ensure community,Elected Official, and employee safety through stationery and patrol services -At Civic Center -City Facilities -City Parks -City Events
9 Parking Enforcement Services -Manage on-street parking in the City -Enforce state and local parking regulations to protect public safety -Enforce parking regulations to support policy goals of Council -Ensure availability of parking for residents, visitors, and business patrons
10 Accomplishments -Negotiated labor agreements for four groups -Balanced City budget for 3rd year -Positive disposition of 950 W. Alondra -Negotiated RDA Debt with DOF -Led effort in pension fund levy issue -Negotiated and administered major development agreements
11 Goals -Implementation of Pavement Plan -Fiscal stability and service solvency -Conclusion of labor negotiations -Development of Successor properties -Refinancing of bond indebtedness -Resolution of State Pension Fund Issue -Addressing audit findings
12 Department Funding FY FY Proposed $4,608,596$6,164,514*$5,791,338 *Acquired Parking and Security
Thank you.