By Max Müller October 1954 Canadian Geography 11
What climate factors caused the storm? In general a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea is formed when several preconditions are fulfilled. The water temperature has to be at least 26.5°C down to a depth of 50m. High humidity and fast cooling with increasing height is needed as well. Low amounts of wind shear and a pre-existing system of disturbed weather. The last factor is a necessary distance of 555km from the equator which allows the Coriolis Effect to make the winds spin.
The rapid forward speed allowed the hurricane to move further inland than any other hurricane before. The hurricane ran into a cold air front over Toronto and it gave up all its moisture. That caused a great rainfall of 225mm and flooded several rivers.
How many people were affected? This is the track of the category 4 Hurricane Hazel. It was first seen east of the island Grenada on the 5 th of October 1954 and it dissipated on October 17 near Scandinavia.
How many people were affected? It crossed Haiti on the night of October 11 and killed about 1,000 people. It also destroyed three towns and almost 50% of the coffee and cacao trees on the island. 6 deaths on the Bahamas
By October 14 it had reached the Carolinas where it killed 19 people and injured several hundreds. It also wiped out whole towns.
It finally reached Toronto, Ontario at midnight on October 15 where it killed 81 people and left 1,896 Canadians homeless.
What kind of damage was caused? In the Carolinas 15,000 homes were destroyed and 40,000 damaged It killed 95 people in the United States alone and caused US$281 million ($1.94 billion today) worth of property damage.
In Toronto the storm destroyed 20 bridges and left about 2,000 families homeless and the estimated damages were about C$25 million (US$ 200 million today)
Interesting Facts In Garden City, South Carolina only 2 out of 275 buildings were habitable after the hurricane had struck the town. In Calabash, North Carolina the water rose 5.5m above the normal level due to a combined water mass of the hurricane and the highest lunar tide of the year.
In Washington DC and New York City the record winds were so strong that airport control towers had to be abandoned
It was the strongest hurricane to hit Canada in recorded history, and no natural disaster since then has led to such a high death toll on Canadian soil. It also changed the Toronto landscape forever.
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