Michaela Lencer Dr. Kathy Wood GSR 150, Spring 2016 DC Homeless Folks
There are 3 main programs and initiatives in DC that are effective in working with homeless people. Thesis Statement
Introduction 3 main programs and initiatives Providing homes Providing food and clothing Providing services like education and medical attention Statistics of DC homeless folks (Davis, 2015) 11,632 people without permanent shelter this winter in DC 2.7 percent drop from a year earlier. (Davis 2015)
Why people are homeless Ways to provide the homeless their new homes Utah peoples wants to end the homelessness A idea to build the tiny houses like treehouse (McCoy, 2015) Davis (2016) explains the point of homeless shelters According to Davis (2016) Snowstorm Programs that try to end homelessness by providing homes
So needy for goods Not enough money to afford No jobs Just got back from war One meal each day Few clothes Collect food and clothes Martha’s Table (n.d.) in DC served one million meals free clothing and housewares education to youth Some provide food and clothing
No education Not able to afford health insurance Some people want to mobilize a medical home to help homeless people who have HIV improve their HIV Care (Knopf and Wright, 2009). According to Jean (Personal Communication, April 14, 2016) More volunteer work Organize some workers Buy some food Provide services like education and medical
Concept of Homeless Get involved with the homeless organizations Why should people care? All humans are the same Pay attention to homeless folks Real World Open our eyes Conclusion
My experiences Prediction Not many homeless folks Hope that the world will change Always have hope for the future Conclusion Continued
Davis, A. C. (2016, February 9). District mayor reveals sites proposed for homeless shelters across city. Retrieved February 22, 2016, from dc- politics/homeless-shelters-to-be-spread-across-capital-under-plan-by-mayor- bowser/2016/02/09/318 bc360-cf31-11e5-88 cd-753e80cd29ad_story. Html Davis, A. C. (2016, January 22). Hundreds of D.C. homeless families to ride out storm in Maryland motels. Retrieved February 22, 2016, from dc-politics/hundreds-of- dc-homeless-families-to-ride- out-blizzard-in- maryland-motels/2016/01/22/668e6f30-c082-11e5-83d4- 42e3bceea902_story. Html Davis, A. C. (2015, May 13). The D.C. region has 11,623 homeless people, but that's not the whole story. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from politics/the-dc-region-has homeless-people-but-thats-not-the-whole- story/2015/05/13/41997f50-f984-11e4-9ef4-1bb7ce3b3fb7_story.html Martha's Table. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2016, from McCoy, T. (2015). The surprisingly simple way Utah solved chronic homelessness and saved millions. The Washington Post. life/wp/2015/04/17/the-surprisingly-simple-way-utah-solved-chronic-homelessness-and- saved-millions/ Wright, M. A., & Knopf, A. S. (2009). Mobilizing a Medical Home to Improve HIV Care for the Homeless in Washington, DC. American Journal of Public Health, 99(6), 973– References
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