Kindergarten to Sixth Grade CVUSD Standards-Based Elementary Report Cards
Anything worth doing, is worth doing right. Communicating to you about the progress of your children at school is one of our most important jobs. As a team, teacher – parent – student, we must communicate clearly to reach our goal… mastery of standards and strong habits of success. Welcome Parents!
“Why would anyone want to change current grading practice? The answer is quite simple: Grades are so imprecise that they are almost meaningless.” –Robert Marzano, esteemed educational researcher “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. –Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights activist, humanitarian, and leader
Communicate student progress toward mastery of the California State Common Core Standards for each grade level. Communicate student effort and behavior in the pursuit of mastery of standards. Report Card Goals
Traditional grading is based upon using assessment methods that provide one grade per assignment and includes an uncertain mixture of homework, classwork, tests, quizzes, and project grades. Late penalties and extra credit are also often part of the mix. Final marks are based upon a percentage system; the number of points earned versus the number of points possible. Assessments record the average, not the best, work. Standards-based grading is based upon goals and performance standards, with one grade/entry provided per learning goal. Marks represent achievement only, separating out the behaviors associated with schoolwork and reporting in a different area. Homework, classwork, and other practice and learning activities are not assembled with the summative assessments. The most recent performance is the most significant. Traditional Report Card vs. Standards-Based Report Card
Imagine two fourth graders, in the same class, with the same teacher, class discussions, classwork, homework, and tests. Why is Standards-Based Better? Tricia Traditional Tricia does not understand Geometry. She is receiving low marks on her classwork and homework, but learning from her mistakes. Quiz #1 – 5/10 Quiz #2 – 7/10 Test #1 – 15/20 Test #2 – 19/20 FINAL MARK – 72.5% - C- Tricia’s final grade is strongly affected by her “slow” start. Stanley Standards-Based Stanley does not understand Geometry either. He begins the trimester learning from his mistakes in practice, and his assessments improve, like Tricia’s. Quiz #1 – 1 Quiz #2 – 2 Test #1 – 2 Test #2 – 3 FINAL MARK – 3 – Achieving Stanley is not punished for a “slow” start.
Communicating More Clearly This is CVUSD’s new Standards-Based Report Card (fourth grade example). Performance Levels are explained at the top; The left column is all English Language Arts (9-12 marks allow for more specific reporting of areas of success/struggle); The right column is Mathematics (5-8 marks allow for more specific reporting), History, Science, and PE; Standards are grouped and rephrased to facilitate parent comprehension.
Communicating More Clearly (cont’d) This is the reverse side of CVUSD’s new SBRC: Enrollment in special programs is noted at the top left; The left column also enumerates 16 desirable behaviors for modern elementary students; By reporting separately, these behaviors (whether successful or struggling) do not complicate the front page assessments of mastery toward standards.
The Growth Mindset Standards-Based grading is a perfect fit with the Growth Mindset philosophy. By focusing on achieving learning goals, students are focused on learning, not “earning points.”
Understanding Rubrics Rubrics are measurement tools that do three things: Clearly communicate goals to learners, with specific descriptors; Provide the teacher with clear filter with which to measure success; Holds accountable all stake-holders for the details that determine Performance Level Marks. You will see rubrics and scores for summative assessments.
Samples of the new report card for grades Kindergarten through sixth grade; FAQs California Common Core Standards Scholarly articles Performance Levels explained For More Information: