How local councils help meet the financial needs of families
Housing Benefit Housing benefit is paid by the council to help people pay their rent. Those eligible will normally have to have a low income or receive social security benefits.
Council Tax Benefit Council Tax benefit is paid to help tenants or homeowners pay their council tax, if they are on a low income or receive social security benefits. Some will be exempt from the full Council Tax, others may have to pay some of the tax.
Free School Meals These are available for the children of families with low incomes or on benefits.
Fifestyle Cards These are cards which allow people in Fife to use council services or to buy goods and services at a discount. They are free to those on low incomes or benefits. Young Fifestyle cards are available to school pupils for the use of leisure facilities at a discount.
Myfife Smartcards Myfife smartcards
Other services for Children and Families fifedirect - Children and Families Services fifedirect - Children and Families Services
How voluntary organisations help meet the needs of families
FifeGingerbread This organisation aims to improve the quality of life for lone parents by offering practical and emotional support. It also aims to promote the interests of lone parents to local and central governments. Fife Gingerbread - Support, advice and information to single parents in Fife
Child Poverty Action Group This organisation campaigns for the abolition of poverty among children in the UK. It also aims to improve the lives of low income families. It tries to ensure that families get help to claim as much as they are entitled to in benefits. Child Poverty Action Group
Citizens Advice Bureau The CAB can give advice to people who are having problems with money or housing. They can help people fill in forms correctly so they can get the benefits they are entitled to. Citizens advice