Overview of most important national reports for energy savings calculation (ESC) in France IEA-DSM Task XXI: Standardisation of Energy Savings Calculation 2 nd Experts Meeting March Paris, ADEME 1 AIE-DSM XXI Sub Task 1 France
Energy savings calculation standards in France Several evaluation of programmes carried out by ADEME, including calculation of energy/CO2 savings (e.g. energy audit scheme subsidised by ADEME for households and industrial companies in 2000/2001; mobility plan for enterprises; wood programme). Energy Savings Calculation (ESC) standards (existing or under development): 1.For energy savings certificates, introduced within a scheme of energy saving obligation imposed on utilities (default savings values) ; 2.For energy efficiency certificates of buildings; 3.For measurement of energy consumption and calculation of energy savings resulting from upgrading of building 4.For energy performance contracting; 5.For sharing energy savings between building owners and occupants Other standards to come linked to European Standardisation (CEN) and EU Directive on Energy Services and End-use Efficiency (ESD), that is presently defining specific guidelines for measuring energy savings No regional initiatives in France national ESC standards only.
National reports on Energy Savings Calculation (ESC) standards: overview Energy saving certificates (“white certificates”) Official calculation methods of energy performance diagnosis (DPE) (energy efficiency certificates for buildings) Measurement of energy consumption and calculation of energy savings resulting from upgrading of building Methods for Energy Performance Contracting Methods for defining the contribution of buildings occupants to the energy saving resulting from energy efficiency investments by the owner
National reports on Energy Savings Calculation (ESC) standards: Energy saving certificates Type of documentDocumentsDate Government decrees o Decree n° related to energy savings obligations within the energy certificate scheme; o Decree n° related to energy savings certificates May ATEE guide of standardised energy saving operations (including energy savings default values) (181 operations) o “Mémento du Club C2E” (includes a description of the energy certificates, all the decrees and about one page by operation) April 2009 (last update) (one update per year) On line standardised operations on Ministry web site o durable.gouv.fr/Les-Fiches-d-operations.html February 2010 (last update) Technical sheet detailing the mode of calculation of energy savings for selected operations o Compilation of calculation sheets (unofficial, prepared by ADEME for IEA-DSM Task XXI) 2010
National reports on Energy Savings Calculation (ESC) standards: Others DocumentsContentDate Government decree approving methods for energy performance diagnosis (94 pages) Description of 3 official calculation methods of energy consumption for performance diagnosis (DPE) (energy efficiency certificates for buildings): methods 3CL-DPE, Comfie-DPE and DEL6-DPE November Annex to government decree: “Methode de calcul TH-C-Ex (TH-C-Ex calculation method) (192 pages) Measurement of energy consumption and calculation of energy savings resulting from upgrading of building (method TH-C-Ex) 2008 (August 8) ClubS2E: « Mesure et vérification: services d’efficacité énergétique » (Measure and verification: energy efficiency services) (36 pages) Method of energy savings calculation for Energy Performance Contracting (relies on IPMVP) 2009 Government decree )Methods for defining the contribution of buildings occupants to the energy saving resulting from energy efficiency investments by the owner 2009
National reports on Energy Savings Calculation (ESC) : existing summaries Already prepared reports with results 1.Energy saving certificates (“white certificates”) 2.Energy audit scheme subsidised by ADEME for households and industrial companies in 2000/2001; 3.Mobility plan for enterprises; 4.Wood programme 5.Energy info centres 6.Mobility plan for schools To come: reports on methods 7.Official calculation methods of energy performance diagnosis (DPE) (energy efficiency certificates for buildings) 8.Measurement of energy consumption and calculation of energy savings resulting from upgrading of building 9.Methods for Energy Performance Contracting 10.Methods for defining the contribution of buildings occupants to the energy saving resulting from energy efficiency investments by the owner
Stakeholders involved in energy savings methods in France Stakeholder nameStakeholder profileObjective/use Club2E Gather federations and professionals associations representing large enterprises in the sectors of Energy, Buildings and Energy Efficiency Service. Aim at promoting good practices in the field of Energy Efficiency Services Publication of a guide « Mesure et vérification - Services d’Efficacité Energétique », (Measures and verification –Service of Energy Efficiency ), june 2007 Relies on IPMVP, International Protocol of Measures and verification of Energy Efficiency published by EVO ( ATEE Technical Association for Energy and Environment Preparation of draft estimates of energy savings for white certificates MEEDDM Ministry in charge of Environment and Energy Validation of energy savings values for white certificates (DGEC) Regulations and DPE (DHUP) ADEME French Environment and Energy Agency Involves in the validation of energy savings values for white certificates
Stakeholders concerned by energy savings methods in France StakeholdersFull nameSector of activity GIMELEC Groupement des Industries de l'équipement électrique, du contrôle - commande et des services associés Federation of Industries of Electric Equipment, and Control SERCE Syndicat des Entreprises de génie climatique et électrique Association of electrical engineering companies UCF/FFB Union Climatique de France/ Fédération Française du Bâtiment) French Union of energy and climate engineering UFE Union Française de l’ElectricitéProfessional Association of producers and distributors of electricity FG3E Federation of Energy Service companies (“ Sociétés de Services en Efficacité Energétique, SSEE) Involved in Energy Performance Contract Energie-Cités Federation of CitiesContrat de performance énergétique: guide pour les Municipalités 2004 CSTBResearch Centre on buildingsInvolved in the preparation of buildings regulations (MEPS)