Yoga Vs Modern Medicine Modern Day Yoga: It is considered as spiritual science which is aimed to ensure physical and mental well being of an individual. Many school and training sessions are organized to practice yoga and we can do that regularly to ensure our well being. Modern Day yoga is also practiced to bring the self realization in individual which ultimately refers him/ her to be best among others. Abstract : Yoga Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines that originated in India. Mostly it is practiced in Hindu, Buddhist and Jainism. The word in derived from Sanskrit word, “Yuj” which means to control or to unite. In Hindu religion, yoga is named as one of the six orthodox philosophical schools. Non Violence, purity, proper seating position, to restrain and stop breath, withdrawal of sense organ from external objects, fixing attention on a single object, merging consciousness with the object of meditation and different postures as a form of exercise are main branch of ancient Hindu yoga. In Buddhism Philosophy and Psychology are thought to be branch of yoga. The posture was used by Buddha for meditation. But they have a common belief that only meditation is not enough to attend goal of this, there should be involvement of Mental activity as well. In Jainism, yoga is the sum total of all activities of mind. Speech and body. They refer yoga to the highest form of devotion which leads to the path of liberation. Health Benefits of Yoga: It is considered as alternative technique for the cure of many acute diseases. Yoga involves various form of disciplinary actions that may include bodily postures and even various forms of meditation techniques. It also involves various breathing techniques. It increases the efficiency and better functioning of lungs. Problems of Asthma can be cured by yoga. It cures many spine related problems. Helps in controlling blood pressure. People suffering from diabetes get immensely benefitted from yoga. It also helps in better metabolism and gives relief from irritable bowel syndrome. There are also cases of Cancer and hormonal diseases cured by certain forms of yoga. Yoga also helps in relieving stress which ultimately cures many diseases. Due to various forms of exercise practiced in yoga, it increase lubrication of joints and tendons which gets massaged and helps in better functioning of all body parts. It also helps in detoxification and proper blood flow in the body. It also helps in weight loss. Abstract: Modern Medicine Modern Medicine mainly involves contemporary medicine which uses medical technology, drugs and surgery for treatment of specific problem and disease. The treatment started from traditional herbs and gradually transformed in drugs. It has highly served in the benefits of human being but sometimes the technique used for therapy is dragged into controversy. Benefits of these Medicines: The major strength of modern medicine lies in its application of science. It has the capacity to grow and adapt - adopting interventions and ideas from other areas of health care as evidence comes to light showing that they are effective These remedies have benefitted all creatures in every possible way. Other areas are currently being evaluated - nutritional medicine, phototherapy - areas such as these have advocates in medicine as well as detractors. They are not yet considered mainstream. Cons of Modern Medicine : Critics argue that modern medicine caused more harm than good and left many people with long term side effects. The inability of modern medicine to address some common complaints are switching people back to traditional remedies. Medical errors has led to many deaths. It is expensive and has adverse effect on health if used improperly. It is also a greater contributor of ecological imbalances. Cons of yoga: If practiced badly it leads to many physical health problems: tearing of muscles, spinal injury, neck aches. It can cause biorhythmic imbalances. It can also cause gastric problems. It can cause many mental issues like: depression, anxiety, pseudo death and pseudo psychosis. It can’t cure all diseases. It is long form of therapy which can’t provide instant remedies. It needs to be practiced on regular basis. Works Cited: Anon Yoga festivals [Online]. Available: Anon Yoga Photos [ Online]. Available: Orinoco Advantages of modern medicine. [Online]: Osler W The evolution of modern medicine. [ Online]: Dev, R Facts about yoga.[ Personal Interview] / Dhakal. K Medical values. [ Personal Interview] OP-ED POSTERS : By Shushanshu Neupane