1 Strathewen Community Fire Safety Plan Community Information Meetings
2 What is this initiative trying to achieve? Improved community readiness to deal with any future emergency
3 Who does it involve? EVERYONE The Strathewen Community The Strathewen Community Fire Safety Plan Working Group
4 The Working Group Geoff RafteryMalcolm Hackett David McGahyBarrie Tully Warren ReesDavid Brown Steve PascoePeter McLennan Glenn CockramJustin Murray (CFA)(Nillumbik Shire)
5 What has the Working Group done? Conducted (approx) seven meetings Thrashed out the Main Topics (to form the basis of the plan) Begun identifying the key issues within each of the Main Topics Developed a method for how to progress on the these topics and how to involve a broader cross-section of the community - with a view to preparing recommendations for community approval
6 Why has this meeting been called? So that community members can consider; The Main Topics identified and provide feedback The key issues identified (to date) within each topic and provide feedback The method proposed to progress on the key issues by a broader cross-section of the community and provide feedback Whether they wish to to be involved in one (or more) of the Main Topic working groups
7 What are the Main Topics that have been identified for the Strathewen Community Fire Safety Plan?
8 Understanding fire behaviour and associated risks Effective preparations for individuals, familes and the community Safer places and places of last resort in Strathewen Comminucations in an emergency (including warnings) Response and recovery systems Management of vegetation and fuel loads (including roadsides)
9 How are the Main Topics and key issues going to be worked on?
10 Main Topic teams are to be established, led by Working Group members and involving community members who self-nominate Topic teams will work on the key issues and by 31 st October 2011 will develop proposed actions for review by the Strathewen Community Fire Safety Plan Working Group Community meetings will be held in early 2012 to consider the proposed actions as reviewed by the Working Group, and provide feedback SCRA to endorse the proposed actions and any related expenditure commitments Implementation of Action Plan to be progressed by Working Group
11 Major Topics Points for consideration & discussion
12 Understanding Fire Behaviour and Associated Risks
13 Understanding Fire Behaviour and Associated Risks Strathewen’s fire history - Local perspectives
14 Understanding Fire Behaviour and Associated Risks Fire Science – Information gathered, and conclusions drawn, from 7 February Generally -In Strathewen
15 Understanding Fire Behaviour and Associated Risks Strathewen’s Topography & local features – Why these are important
16 Understanding Fire Behaviour and Associated Risks Possible future scenarios - Understanding the threat - Identifying the signs
17 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community
18 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Understanding the BAL and what it means to personal safety
19 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Developing Personal “Fire Safety Plans”
20 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Property Preparation - Identifying and minimising potential hazards
21 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Preparing to stay - Clothing, equipment, and access to water, - psychological preparations
22 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Preparing to leave - What you need to do before you leave
23 Effective Preparations for Individuals, Families and the Community Testing Plans - Systems - Equipment
24 Safer Places & Places of Last Resort in Strathewen
25 Safer Places & Places of Last Resort in Strathewen Neighbourhood Safer Places; - Identifying possible candidates - Subjecting to certification byrelevant authorities
26 Safer Places & Places of Last Resort in Strathewen Identifying Neighbourhood Safer Places; - Formal and Informal - Evaluating for suitability
27 Safer Places & Places of Last Resort in Strathewen Newcomers to Strathewen - Tracking and inducting into community fire safety precautions
28 Safer Places & Places of Last Resort in Strathewen Mapping - CFA ‘Operational High Risk Areas’ - Access and egress roads - Authorised emergency access routes across private property
29 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings)
30 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings) Local SMS system & telephone/text trees - Practicability of use to warn community - Use to assist with early response
31 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings) Understanding the emergency services warning indexes - FFDI (Forest Fire Danger Index) - GFDI (Grass Fire Danger Index) - Etc.
32 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings) Evacuations - Evaluate, with relevant authorities, whether practicable in Strathewen - Establish what systems would need to be put in place, including community trial run
33 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings) Emergency services - How CFA (and other authorities) plan to communicate warnings
34 Communications in an Emergency (including warnings) Short wave radio monitoring - Evaluate potential usefulness
35 Response and Recovery Systems
36 Response and Recovery Systems Emergency Services, Local Government and Police - Who will be responsible for doing what - What will be the command structure - What TO expect - What NOT TO expect
37 Response and Recovery Systems Register of local resources and skills to call on in an emergency Availability of; - People with trade skills/equipment - People with first aid qualifications
38 Response and Recovery Systems What to do / Where to go (after the event)
39 Response and Recovery Systems Understanding likely response times - Self sufficiency for several days after the event
40 Management of Vegetation & Fuel Loads (including Roadsides)
41 Management of Vegetation and Fuel Loads (including Roadsides) Legislative context in relation to: - Management of roadside vegetation by Council - The 10/30 rule - Management of vegetation on private land - Royal Commission recommendations re vegetation management and State Govt response
42 Management of Vegetation and Fuel Loads (including Roadsides) Control of Burgan and other invasive/dominant plant species
43 Management of Vegetation and Fuel Loads (including Roadsides) Reducing fuel loads
44 Management of Vegetation and Fuel Loads (including Roadsides) Safer roads - Lines of sight - Identification of hazardous trees/vegetation - Plan for removal of hazards - Minimum clearances (for access by emergency vehicles, etc)