Federal Legislative Codes Online
In Westlaw
Retrieve this citation: title 21 of the U.S. Code, section 21. What is the section title?...
Access the United States Code (USCA Unannotated) database and search for a section that lists the name of the commission that studies ways to prevent crime...
Find a code section that establishes the name of the commission that studies ways to prevent crime.
What documents will this search query retrieve?
Any of these sections work: Ntl Comm’n on Crime Prevention & Control
Now find the code section that specifically lists how many people on the commission shall be appointed by the speaker of the house:
Those of you who performed a Locate in Result search have to cancel it and craft another Locate in Result search.
Advisory If you performed a “locate in result” search, you have to cancel that search before performing a second one.
Locate in Results Query:
You now want information from the annotations related to our code section 42 USCA – but you’re in the unannotated database. So perform a FIND on 42 USCA and then cite one Digest Topic & Key Number located in the annotations:
How to find the exact enactment date of your section and the original public law number...
Text of code section ends
Browsing Since a statute may have more than one code section, you may often want to browse through adjacent code sections. To do so, click on the “previous” or “next section” links at the top of the page.
In LexisNexis
Retrieve 18 USCS What is the section title?
On what exact date was this code section amended?
Cite to the very first Am Jur 2d cite listed in the annotations:
Cite the case name of the very first case listed within your annotations concerning the element of intent:
Access the United States Code Service – Titles 1-50 database. Conduct a search for this: Does the Federal Election Commission have to post election reports online? Which code sections answers the question?
What documents will this search query retrieve?
Cite the name of one law review article that is listed in the annotations for your code section...
Two more things... Know how to find the exact enactment date of your section and the original public law number...
Exact enactment date Text of code section ends Public Law No.
Browsing on Lexis To see adjacent code sections, click on Book Browse at the top of the page.
Regulations Often you may need to locate regulations issued to interpret a statute. These are listed in the Notes after the statute.