Entry 5-14 Are you excited or nervous about going to High School next year? Explain.
5-16 What advantages did the North have going into the Civil War? Use page 476 to help.
Key Battles of the Civil War!!!
1 st Battle of Bull Run Manassas, VA. (July 1861) First major land battle of Civil War McDowell (Union) vs. Beauregard(Confederate). 60,000 troops engaged. Casualties= 2900 U.S Confed. Confederate victory led to the north realizing (Shocked) the war would be long, costly, and difficult. Stonewall Jackson got his nickname for leading charge.
Tennessee Battles(West)1862 Feb Union Forces won Ft. Henry( 1 st Victory North) and Donelson. Union Charge was led by Ulysses S. Grant. Went from unproven leader to Major General. (Hero) Over 13,000 Confederate casualties at Ft. Donelson. Lead to Major Battle at Shiloh.
Shiloh April 6-7, 1862 Grant vs. P.G.T. Beauregard and Johnston. Over 90,000 Troops engaged. ( Union Victory) Over 23,000 casualties and 16,000 killed. Most bitter, bloody battles of the war. North was well on their way to taking the Mississippi River after Shiloh and then New Orleans.
Fighting in the East (1862) Union were defeated at Richmond. (Also known as the Seven Days’ Battles). Failure to take the Southern capital left many in the North feeling hopeless. McClellan’s mistakes cost the North. North would also be defeated at the Second Bull Run. (Aug.)
Antietam-Sept. 17, 1862 Bloodiest one day battle in American History. 23,000 killed, wounded, captured. Inconclusive victor Robert E. Lee vs. George McClellan. Importance Army of the Potomac (Union) finally gained some confidence. Lincoln used battle to take action against slavery. (Emancipation Proclamation).
Confederate dead at Antietam
Fredericksburg (Dec.) 1862 and Chancellorsville(May) 1863 Robert E. Lee vs. Ambrose Burnside, Gen. Hooker. Both men would be replaced. Both Confederate victories. Stonewall Jackson killed at Chancellorsville. Robert E. Lee take army towards Pennsylvania.
Gettysburg-(July 1-3, 1863) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Involved over 160,000 Americans. Most casualties ever on U.S. soil (Over 51,000) Pickett’s Charge seen as one of the greatest disasters in U.S. History. Pickett led 15,000 men up wide open field. Target practice for the North. Pickett would lose half his men. Turning Point of the Civil War
View of Pickett’s Charge
Walking Pickett’s Charge to Cemetery Ridge
Siege of Vicksburg North needed to siege in order to control Mississippi River. May 18- July 4, 1863 Union Victory splits confederacy in two. Ulysses S. Grant earns trust of Lincoln
North Takes Control Union earns victories at Chattanooga. Grant appointed Commander of the Union Army. Grant would attack Confederacy on all sides. Grant and Lee ensued in three battles near Richmond(Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor). South Lines would hold. Cold Harbor seen as beginning of Trench warfare (Huge losses). Grant would lay siege to Petersburg cutting off Richmond from the Confederacy.
Sherman’s March Marched from Atlanta to Savannah Georgia. Destroy everything including railroads, fields, animals, and anything else useful. Next, marched through and devastated the state of South Carolina. Goal was to meet Grant in Virginia. William Tecumseh Sherman