Body Systems
Nervous System Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves Receives information about what is happening both inside and outside the body. Controls WHOLE body. Brain Tumor, MS, Alzheimers
Digestive System Mouth, Esophagus, stomach, small/big intestine Take food into body, break it down, and absorbs digested material Stomach ulcer, crohns, irritable bowel syndrome
Cardiovascular Heart, veins, arteries, capillaries Carries needed materials to body cells, and takes waste away from body cells Atherosclerosis, aneurysm
Muscular Muscles, heart, diaphragm Enables body to move, keeps heart beating, digestive system keeps moving Muscular distrophy, atrophy
Excretory System Urinary bladder, kidneys, ureter, urethra Removes wastes and excess water from the body Nephrotic syndrome, kidney stones
Integumentary (Skin) Skin, fingernails, and hair Skin: protects body, keeps water inside body, and helps regulate body temp Hair: protects your skin from damage, sun Nails: protect fingertips Melanoma (skin cancer), eczema
Endocrine System Pancreas, Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, thymus, and thyroid Controls many body processes-such as the intake of sugar by cells-by means of chemicals Diabetes: Type 1-Childhood diabetes (inherited), Type 2- Adult onset caused by diet
Respiratory System Nose/mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs Takes oxygen into the body and eliminates carbon dioxide. Asthma, bronchitis
Reproductive Ovaries, Testes, Fallopian tubes, cervix, uterus, vagina, penis Produce sex cells that can unite with other sex cells to create offspring Endometriosis, STDs
Skeletal Bones, Ribs, Skull, bone marrow, vertebrae Supports the body, protects it, and works with muscles to allow movement; makes blood cells Osteoporosis, osteopenia
Immune Lymph nodes, white blood cells, lymph fluid Fights disease AIDS, leukemia