Rebecca Culshaw Unit 69 – Task 4
Brief I have been asked to come up with idea for a video game based on a film, the film I have chosen to base my game off of is THX 1138 but with a Bill and Ted twist of going back through time and getting help from people of different time periods. I think this game will appeal to a wide range of people as it follows the story enough for the people who remembers the original film to like it but enough of a twist for younger generations to like it too, I would say the target audience is people aged
Legal and Ethical With this game being based on a film all the rights would belong to the original creators so I would have to get permission to use characters in this game. There could be some ethical issues as the Victorian is a woman and things were sexist back in those times so I have to make sure everything looks realistic without offending anybody same with the caveman as they are often portrayed as being stupid so again I have to make sure that doesn’t offend anybody. Another thing I have to consider is the time periods as mentioned before making sure everybody looks and acts as if they’re actually from that time period eg the Victorian speaking in a formal English manner rather than using slang. One more thing I have to consider is the use of weapons later on in the game as in the end you kill the enemies with the ray gun, this could offend people who are against murder however no blood will be shown so I am hoping to keep this game to an ages 16 rating.
Here you can see some of the thought processes I went through to get my final concept for the game.
Characters My initial idea was to have many different characters from many different time periods such as caveman, Victorian, Roman, modern and futuristic. In the end I only ended up using the characters from the actual film, the Victorian and the caveman, I did the characters as most people would imagine them to look like eg the caveman with the cheetah skin outfit, a beard and bushy hair, the Victorian woman with a big dress and nice hair. The woman went through a quite a development.
These are my moodboards for the characters and locations, the character one is just a mixture of images from the actual movie, and a lot of generic images of people from different points in the past. Again for the locations they are just generic futuristic cities and rooms, different styles of caves and Victorian styled rooms, I used these to come up with some initial ideas for my own.
This is the evolution of the Victorian woman from just a rough idea with of what I wanted to do through to a rough sketch with a trial of a different style of dress and colour and then my final design.
This is the caveman, he went through a different kind of process as he was originally going to be THX1138 a few years later but in the end I decided to go through with a caveman idea to give a bit more variation to the gameplay and how things will play out in the story.
Environments Again this is my designs for the environments from the starting ideas all the way through to the final designs, I started with locations for the characters but then decided the majority of the game would be set in the future so using shapes on Photoshop I drafted some mountain areas but it still wasn't the look I wanted so I came up with a street area and a security room that some of the most important story elements would take place.
Final Designs This is the final design for the caveman, I was going for the traditional caveman look with the bushy hair and animal skin clothing. This is the final design for my Victorian woman I wanted to go with upper-class Victorian look with the velvet dress and silk bow.
Final Designs This is the final designs for my locations, I wanted a surveillance room where the final showdown happens, the room is all metal but with dull colours such as white greys and black. This is another finished location which is a basic street where the police come and capture all the protagonists again its all basic bland colours mostly greys.
Final Designs These are some of the final designs for the weapons they are really simple but fit in well with my idea such as the ray gun being futuristic but also retro-styled like the movies it based of off. The sword is for the Victorian as this was the most popular weapon back in those times.
Evaluation I think that I have done well with this project as I have thought about my game thoroughly and done all the concept art to best of my skills, I think that they could have been done better but they show what I wanted. I think I could have managed my time better as some of the final products especially the weapon designs look rushed and could have been done better. I think my drawing skills have improved as you can see from my first draft to my final piece. I also think my presentation skills have improved as you can see from my website.