10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies ExploringHodgepodge
New England was Settled by this group, who left for this reason
Who were the Puritans and Religious Persecution
Name the New England Colonies
An agreement to do what was in the whole community’s best interest made by all wealthy white men
What was the Mayflower Compact
A group of people Who all agree to Live and work under The same set of laws
What was a Covenant Community
The main sources of Economic income for the New England Area
What are Trading, Fishing, Ship building, and Shipping
Religious Group that Settled in PA
Who were the Quakers?
Name the Middle Colonies
What are NY, PA, DE, and NJ
The Religious Group that settled in Maryland
Who were the Catholics?
This word describes interactions between religious groups the Middle Colonies
What is Tolerance?
Name the major economic sources in the Middle Colonies
What are small to mid-scale farming and trading in Philadelphia
This ethnic group settled most of the South
Who are the English?
Name the Southern Colonies
What are VA, NC, SC, GA, and MD
This Company gained a charter from James I to settle in the New World
What was the Virginia Company?
Name the group of rich people received large land grants in the Southern Colonies
Who were the Cavaliers?
Name the 4 main cash crops of the South
What were indigo, Rice, cotton, And tobacco
This man sailed the ocean blue in 1492
Who was Columbus
This man was the first to circle the globe
Who was Magellan?
Name three things that Explorers introduced to the new world
Wheat, sugar, horses, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, measles, typhus, small pox, guns, religion
Name three things that moved from the New World to the Old World
Maize (corn), peanuts, potatoes pineapple, tomatoes, chile peppers, cocoa, syphilis, pumpkins
The Main reason Europeans were able to conquer Native Americans so Easily
What is disease?
The Colony Founded in Virginia in 1607
What is Jamestown?
A belief that if you didn’t work hard God would punish you
What was the protestant work ethic?
If a settler didn’t seek religious freedom when he came to America, he was most often looking for this
What is economic success?
A group of people who invest money in a certain venture (in this case a colony)
What is a joint-stock company
The first slaves arrived here in 1619
What is Jamestown, VA