IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for Nuclear Materials Authority Presented by M. H. Taha
IAEA Infrastructure Key activities Uranium extraction from phosphoric acid Uranium exploration in granites and shales REEs recovery from phosphogypsum Heavy mineral sands Key resources NMA team Phosphoric acid purification pilot plant team Phosphoric acid purification pilot plant D 2 EHPA & TOPO flowsheet (Hurst, F. J.,1977) implementation Key partners Ministry of Electricity and Energy Nuclear Materials Authority El Nasr Mining Company & Egypt Phosphate Company Geological Survey Authority & Mineral Resources Authority Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) IAEA, FIPR (US), Aleff Group, (UK)
IAEA Value Propositions A comprehensive programme in Egypt for uranium extraction from phosphates along with supply of value-added products and critical materials to support energy security, self sufficiency and employment generation 1- Uranium production from phosphoric acid (PA). 2- Food grade phosphoric acid production. 3- REEs production from phosphogypsum (PG). 4- Bricks, construction materials and fertilizers production from PG. These industries will provide the following: 1- Adding value to the phosphate industries in Egypt. 2- Reducing the cost of uranium production from phosphoric acid. 3- Stop importing of REEs and food grade PA from outside. 4- Provide job opportunities.
IAEA Customers Customer Segments Companies Government institutions Channels Direct Customer Relationships Direct meetings Steering Committees
IAEA Finances Cost structure Low-cost Added value driven Revenue streams Annual budget of NMA
IAEA The Uranium Business Model Canvas for NMA, Egypt Key Partners Ministry of Electricity and Energy Nuclear Materials Authority El Nasr Mining Company & Egypt Phosphate Company Geological Survey Authority & Mineral Resources Authority Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) International partners – [IAEA, FIPR (US), Aleff Group, (UK)] Key Activities Uranium extraction from phosphate Uranium exploration in granites and shales REEs recovery from phosphogypsum Heavy mineral sands Value Propositions A comprehensive programme in Egypt for uranium extraction from phosphates along with supply of value-added products and critical materials to support energy security, self sufficiency and employment generation Customer Relationships Direct meetings Steering Committees Customer Segments Companies Government agencies Key Resources Human Resources – NMA UxP team UxP pilot plant D 2 EHPA & TOPO flowsheet implemenation Channels Direct Cost Structure Low cost Added value driven Revenue Streams Annual budget of NMA