Super MJ Flowers for Algernon Flowers For Algernon ( 알제논에게 꽃을 …)
Super MJ Progress Report 3 (March 5) Charlie met Dr. Strauss and Prof. Nemur again. They asked Charlie why he wanted to learn to read and spell, and Charlie said he wanted to be smart and not dumb, which his mother and Miss Kinnian always told him. Dr. Strauss tells him about an unknown experiment that was not tested on human. He is very passionate to become smart. Who is Miss Kinnian? What is the relationship between Charlie and Miss Kinnian? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 4 (March 6) More tests are done with Charlie. Tests were like THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST and AMAZED. He went to the 5 th floor with Burt and saw a white mouse, Algernon, which was a very smart mouse. He played the game amazed with Algernon. Charlie couldn’t find the right rows to get to the finish line. Even though he lost many times, he didn’t feel bad because he learned how to finish the amaze even it took a long time. He realized how smart Algernon was. Why does Charlie never lie anymore? What was ‘THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST’ for? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 5 (March 6) Dr. Strauss, Burt, and Prof. Nemur came together and discussed the possibility of the use of Charlie for the operation. Prof. Nemur was first worried, since Charlie will be the first human for this operation. But eventually, they decided to try this new experiment to Charlie and see what happens. Who gave the permission for Charlie’s Operation? Why was Prof. Nemur concerned of Charlie for the operation? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 6 (March 8) Charlie’s acquaintances came to visit Charlie before the operation. They thought Charlie was sick, no other than that. Everyone encouraged Charlie to get better, and Charlie also wished to be smarter. How did Charlie tell his co-workers about the operation? Why couldn’t Charlie eat anything? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 7 (March 11) Charlie went through the operation, and for three days he had a bandage on his eyes so he couldn’t write any progress report for 3 days. He was very scared, because it was dark and he couldn’t see anything. Doctor said from now on he should write more about how he feels on his report. Why couldn’t Charlie write his report for 3 days? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 12) Charlie can now write only the date for his progress report. He met Hilda, which was one of the nurses. She was very skinny and very nice to Charlie. Who is Hilda? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 13) Charlie got a new nurse, Lucille. Then Miss Kinnian came to visit Charlie. She said to Charlie that he would gradually be smarter, not right away. She encouraged Charlie and believed in his endeavor. What did Miss Kinnian Say about the progress of becoming smarter to Charlie? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 8 (March 15) Charlie had a change in his emotion. He thinks amazed is stupid and says he hates Algernon. He thinks nothing has happened to him, but people around him encouraged him, saying that it will take time. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 16) Charlie had a lunch with Burt. He saw some college students talking about art and politics. One day Charlie will be smart enough to understand everything that they are saying. Burt introduced Charlie to some of the students. He warned Charlie not to talk about the operation. Burt said it must be a SECRET. Why did Burt tell other people that Charlie was cleaning the lab? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 17) Charlie is getting sick of the tests and the unchanged results. He realized that he was dumber than a mouse, and hated Algernon. He felt sick and tired of writing the progress report. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 20) Charlie was told to go to work at the bakery as usual. But he must visit the lab every 2 hours after work for tests and the progress report. Charlie realized Algernon was a special mouse, and he thought he would once become smarter, just like Algernon. Does Charlie have to write the report every day? Why was Algernon a ‘Special’ mouse? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 21) Charlie went back to the bakery and met all of his co-workers. He seemed that everyone liked him, but in reality everyone was actually making fun of him. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 24) Charlie didn’t come in to the lab one day because he was sick of racing Algernon. Also, he wasn’t seeing any improvements with his intelligence. However, Dr. Strauss explained that it will take time, and Charlie is actually getting smarter each day. He was instructed to use the TV-looking machine every time he goes to sleep. Why didn’t Charlie come in to the lab? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 25) Charlie had difficulties sleeping because of the talking TV. Burt said it will help his brain learn from the sounds, but Charlie was very irritated by that. Why couldn’t Charlie go to sleep? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 26) Charlie remembered how he actually met Miss Kinnian and started to learn reading. He asked Joe Carp how to read, and his cousin told him about the adult center for retarded people. He is now being trained to remember what happened in the past. How did Charlie meet Miss Kinnian in the past? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 27) Charlie started to have a therapy session with Dr. Strauss. It’s a session where Charlie lies down on a couch and has a conversation with Dr. Strauss. He must say anything that comes right in his head. He fell asleep while talking to Dr. Strauss. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 28) Charlie learned that there are two minds: Subconscious and conscious. He finds a word from a dictionary, which means that he’s actually getting smarter. He goes to a bar with his friends at the bakery. After everyone leaves him, he comes home alone, and remembers what he dreamed. Do you think Charlie’s co-workers really like him? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 29) Charlie finally beat Algernon in the race. It seems that Charlie is getter smarter and smarter. Also his hand-writing significantly improved. There are less errors seen in the report, compared to past reports. But Charlie still couldn’t feel that he’s becoming smart. From the progress report, how is his writing skill? Do you think he has become more intelligent? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 30) Miss Kinnian came by to see Charlie’s status. She came to once again encourage Charlie for what he is doing. Charlie started to read book which is more difficult to read. The name of the book was Robinson Crusoe. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (March 31) Miss Kinnian now teaches Charlie how to spell words right. He now understands how to spell some works correctly from the lesson. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Progress Report 9 (April 1) Everybody in the bakery was trying to fool Charlie on April Fools day, and asked him to work the dough-mixer. However, Charlie managed to do the work successfully, which surprised everyone else. People couldn’t believe the improvement of Charlie’s ability, but Charlie still couldn’t realize that he was getting smarter. Charlie became the new mixer. How’s Charlie’s friends’ attitude towards Charlie? Are they encouraging him, or making fun of him? Why did people stop laughing when Charlie was using the dough-mixer? Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (April 3) Charlie finished the book, Robinson Crusoe. He is eager to find out the rest of the story. WHY?? 궁금증 폭발 !!! Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (April 4) Charlie is learning fast. Miss Kinnian said he’s been improving at a fast pace. He reminisces his past when he got a young sister. He remembers what happened to him, what his mother said to him, and so on. Do you think Charlie got smarter? How well has Charlie’s intelligence level improved? List several examples of his improvements. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ (April 6) Charlie learned comma, and he made some grammatical errors in his report. (April 7) Now Charlie learned punctuation as a whole. He then mixed the punctuation in an incorrect manner, which made the readers fun to read. Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ Flowers for Algernon
Super MJ LET’S START READING!!! Flowers for Algernon