Chapter 6 Sec.3 “ The Enlightenment Spreads”
Enlightenment Ideas Spread Censorship- Government and Church authorities felt they had sacred duty to defend the old order. To protect against the attacks of the Enlightenment, the waged a war of censorship- banning and burning cooks/ imprisoning writers Many Enlightened thinkers would go to the Netherlands to publish books or write under false names Salons- By the 1700s middle class women began holding salons- informal place to gather to discuss ideas Enlightened despots- absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change
Arts and Learning Baroque- grand, complex style Musical figures Johann Sebastian Back- complex religious works for organ and choirs George Frederick Handel- wrote Messiah for King George I (standard for Christmas and Easter choirs) Wolfgang Mozart- 6 yrs old composer and performer… Died at 35 in poverty Daniel Defoe- wrote Robinson Crusoe