Week to Date Chart of Part A Crimes
Rape: 1 South St Robbery: 2 Gibbs St Cypress St Assault: 5 South Street Beacon St Washington St Freeman St Beacon St Burglary: 1 Commonwealth Av Larceny: 8 2 Shoplifting 2 Building 2 Other 1 Carbreak 2 Bike (1 Attempt) Weekly Overview This past week, there were 17 Part A Crimes reported and 1 attempted:
Last Week’s Reported Part A Crimes & Attempts By Sector MurderRapeRobberyAssaultBurglaryLarcenyMV TheftTotal Sec Sec Sec 3 Sec Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 11 Sec 8 Sec This past week, there were 12 Part A Crimes reported and 1 Attempt:
There were 2 robberies reported last week: Stedman St: Vic was walking on Stedman St on 10/22 at around 1420hrs when a man asked her for the time. Vic took out her phone and began to give the man the time when he forcefully grabbed the phone. Suspect was described as a dark skinned male, in his 20s, muscular build, wearing a dark sweater with purple stripes and a white collar on it. Cypress St: Dispatch received a 911 call at 1918hrs reporting that a convenient had been held up by a subject armed with a large kitchen knife. Victim, the clerk, described subject as a white male, large build, over 6’, and over 200 lbs. He was wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, a pair of black sweatpants, gloves, and a black mask that partially covered his face leaving his eyes exposed. Suspect confronted victim by stating that he needed to open the cash register. He proceeded to grab Vics arm and escort him to the register. Once Vic opened it, he leaned over and grabbed all the cash from inside of it. Suspect then fled out of the store, turning right on Cypress, towards Chestnut St. Robbery
Robbery Trend
Assault Trend
There was 1 Burglary reported last week: Commonwealth Av: On 10/23 at approximately 820hrs, officers were dispatched to local for a past breaking and entering. Officers met with the studio manager, who stated that when she arrived to work at approximately 750hrs on 10/23, she found the front door broken and forced open. After observing this, she stayed out of the store and called the Boston Police. The only thing stole was cash from the cash register. Burglary
Car Break There was 1 Larceny - Car Break reported last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecPOEForceProp / Salisbury Rd1TrunkUnsecuredLaptop, Cash
Car Break
Bike Theft There was 1 Bike reported stolen last week Case #DateTimeAddressSecLocationForceDescription /20- 10/ Coolidge St1StreetLockedMen’s specialized Cirrus
Bike Theft Trend Bike Thefts by Sector Sector Total Bike Thefts by Month Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov506 4 Dec450 0 Total
Package Theft
Traffic Crashes for the Week of 10/19-10/25 Between 10/19-10/25, there were 31 CAD calls for traffic crashes, up from 26 crashes the prior week. The temporal grid below shows the day/time relationship for this week’s crashes Monday Tuesday111 Wednesday21111 Thursday1 Friday11111 Saturday 211 Sunday1 DateDayTimeLocation# of Veh.INJReportReasonCitationType 10/19/2015Monday8:33Clyde St/Whitney St2NNUnknownNCrash 10/19/2015Monday10:47 Longwood Av2NNUnknownNHit and Run 10/19/2015Monday11:01 Babcock St/Commonwealth Av2NYNegligenceYCrash 10/19/2015Monday11:17Ivy St2NNUnknownNCrash 10/19/2015Monday11:54Beacon St/Dean Rd1NYNegligencePedestrian Hit 10/19/2015Monday15:45 Pearl St2NNUnknownNHit and Run 10/19/2015Monday16:26Horace James Cr2NNFailure to StopNHit and Run 10/19/2015Monday17:00Davis Av/Cypress St3NNUnknownNCrash 10/19/2015Monday18:43Boylston St/Norfolk Rd3NNUnknownNCrash 10/20/2015Tuesday7:16Beacon St/Carlton St2NNNegligenceNCrash Unk/PI 10/20/2015Tuesday8:41Beacon StUUUUnknownUCrash Unk/PI 10/20/2015Tuesday16:19Washington St2NYNegligenceN Crash/Town Property 10/21/2015Wednesday7:30Hammond St/Woodland RdUUUUnknownUCrash 10/21/2015Wednesday7:36Boylston St/Hammond St2NNUnknownUCrash 10/21/2015Wednesday8:11Kent St/Chatham St4NNUnknownUCrash 10/21/2015Wednesday11:50Horace James Cr2YYLoss of ControlNCrash with Pi 10/21/2015Wednesday15:20Egmont St/St Paul St2NNUnknownUCrash 10/21/2015Wednesday21:48Horace James CrUUUUnknownUCrash 10/22/2015Thursday19:46Boylston St/Hammond StUUUUnknownUCrash 10/23/2015Friday7:49Kent St/Sewall AvUUUUnknownUCrash 10/23/2015Friday11:48Pearl St/Washington StUUUUnknownUCrash/Unk PI 10/23/2015Friday13:46Harvard St2UUUnknownUHit and Run 10/23/2015Friday17:51Lee St/Dudley StUUUUnknownUCrash 10/23/2015Friday23:30Parkway Rd/Netherlands Rd1UUUnknownUCrash 10/24/2015Saturday15:21Beacon St/Carlton St3NUUnknownUCrash 10/24/2015Saturday15:55Harvard St/Aspinwall AvUUUUnknownUCrash 10/24/2015Saturday16:19Beacon St/Washington St 10/24/2015Saturday19:15Boylston StUUUUnknownUCrash 10/25/2015Sunday:09Harvard St/Kent St2NUUnknownUCrash 10/25/2015Sunday:12Park St/Beacon St2NUUnknownUCrash 10/25/2015Sunday14:31Monmouth St/Carlton St2UUUnknownUCrash
Traffic Crashes YTD 2015 Year to date, there have been 1156 crashes (reported through dispatch) Top Crash Prone Locations (specific intersections/addresses w/ multiple crashes): Horace James Circle – 37 Boylston/Hammond – 15 Boylston/Cypress – 14 Boylston/Washington – 8 Boylston/Dunster – 9 Hot Spots (areas with greater density of crashes): Brookline Village, Coolidge Corner, Cypress/Rte 9, Rte 9/Lee/CH Ave. Rte 9/Hammond, Horace James, Washington Square The day of the week with the greatest volume of crashes is Thursday, followed by Tuesday and Friday The time of day with the greatest number of crashes is between 1500 and 1759hrs, which coincides with the commute home after work. The time of day with the second greatest number of crashes is between 800 and 1059hrs, which coincides with the commute to work.