International Labour Office 1 Results of the Recurrent Item Discussion on Employment (2010) and Social Protection (2011) Phnom Penh, 07 November 2011 Helmut Schwarzer
International Labour Office 2 The Global Employment Agenda (2006) - Six key policy areas: Employment expansion Skills, technology and employability Enterprise development Labour market institutions and policies Governance, representation and advocacy Social protection The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All
International Labour Office 3 Programmatic Reference Declaration on Social Justice and a Fair Globalization (2008) and Global Jobs Pact (2009) Conclusions related to the Recurrent Discussion on Employment (2010) Definition of emplyment targets by integrating quantitative and qualitative employment goals in economic and sectoral policies, foreseeing investments and expenditures, and its impact evaluation; Mechanisms to ensure effective coordination, coherence and commitment of all ministries in relation to the employment policy formulation; Inclusion of employment policies in national development plans, establishing and improving labour market information systems and incorporating employment indicators in national budgetary supervision and evaluation systems.
International Labour Office 4 Resolution on employment at the 2010 ILC Integrated and well-designed policy interventions Policy coordination and coherence Social dialogue Institutional approach Pro-employment macroeconomic policies Employment targeting Pro-employment social protection systems Non discrimination and gender equality Policy approach The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All
International Labour Office 5 Synthesis of the Results of the 110 th International Labour Conference Consensus on « Social Security to All » deepened Consensual Support to the Social Protection Floor and the Bidimensional Strategy to Extend Coverage Endorsement of the International ILO Standards on Social Security (C. 102 and others) and Agenda Setting for a new Recommendation on the SPF for 2012 Endorsement of the ILO Mandate to Technically Assist the Member States on Social Protection Policies The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All
International Labour Office 6 ILC 2011: Strong Consensus on Social Security to all ● Social security is not only human right, but also economic and social necessity. ● Sustainable social security is key in promoting productive economic growth with equity. ● Social security extension to be promoted by formalization of economy and introduction of National Social Protection Floors. ● Provision of social security should be based on entitlements defined by national legislation. ● Tripartism and social dialogue are key to sustainability of social security, in which non- contributory and contributory schemes complement each other.
International Labour Office 7 Some Textual Affirmations: «…key to the promotion of economic and productive growth with equality » «…not only a human right, but a social and economic need» «… search of a fair globalisation with social justice» Role of Social Security « Inseparable part of the Decent Work Agenda » « Based on rights fundamented by national legislation » « Tripartism and Social Dialogue are key » « Sustainable, composed by contributory and non-contributory elements » Characteristics of Social Security The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All
International Labour Office 8 The 4 Guarantees – Horizontal Expansion via Social Protection Floor All Residents have Access to Essential Health Services All Children have Minimum Income Security All Aged and Disabled Persons have Minimum Income Security by means of Transfers and Services All Workers can benefit from support if unemployed or do not earn enough to avoid poverty Social Assistance, Contributory or Universal Child Benefits Financially accessible and available Social Assistance Or Universal Benefits Unemployment Insurance, Public Works, etc.. Contents to be defined According to national Situations Result- oriented concept Should include the access to essential services: water, education, health...
National Social Protection Floors: Focus on national priorities and implementation Social Assistance Social Insurance Universal Systems Combina- tion of the three or others… National Options Guarantee National Results Minimum Income Security and Access to Essential Health Care can be obtained by a plurality of methods Progressive Implementation of the Social Protection Floor by each country according to its circumstances and development.
Extension of Social Protection and the Bidimensional Approach individual/household income Access to essential health and minimum income security for all Social Insurance Beneftis of Guaranteed Levels Voluntary insurance under government regulation high low Horizontal dimension: Guaranteeing access to essential health care and minimum income security for all Vertical dimension: progressively ensuring higher levels of protection guided by C.102 and higher-level standards Protection Level Floor level Higher levels min. C. 102 low high «Social Security Staircase»: reference for description and development of social security coverage at national level…
Several Approaches to Build a Social Protection Floor individual/household income Voluntary insurance under government regulation high low Horizontal dimension: Guaranteeing access to essential health care and minimum income security for all Vertical dimension: progressively ensuring higher levels of protection guided by C.102 and higher-level standards Floor level Higher levels - min. C. 102 Social insurance Protection Level Social assistance
Several Approaches to Build a Social Protection Floor individual/household income Universal benefits Voluntary insurance under government regulation high low Horizontal dimension: Guaranteeing access to essential health care and minimum income security for all Vertical dimension: progressive ly ensuring higher levels of protection guided by C.102 and higher-level standards Floor level Higher levels min. C.102 Social insurance Protection Level Social assistance
International Labour Office 13 The message behind… building a virtuous circle of Social Protection – Employment - Growth More Investment in Social Protection More Health, Education, Income Stability Higher Employability and Productivity More Formal Employment paying Taxes Higher Levels of Social Protection, More Growth The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All
International Labour Office 14 Momentum – past and upcoming events In 2001, the ILC reiterated that social security was a basic human right, and reaffirmed that its extension to all in need was a fundamental part of the ILO’s mandate and a challenge that needed to be addressed seriously and urgently by all member States. Accordingly ILO’s Global Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for all was launched (2003). The World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization adopts the idea of a ‘socio economic floor’ in its report (2004) Regional Tripartite Meetings on social protection: Latin America (Santiago – 2007), Arab States (Amman – 2008), Asia (New Delhi ) The ILC adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a fair Globalization (June 2008) 2009 Adopted by UN-CEB (Chief Executives Board) as one of the 9 crisis initiative (April) OECD DAC (POVNET) endorsed a policy statement on the role of employment and social protection at its High-level Meeting. Launch of publications on Promoting Pro- Poor Growth: the role of Employment and Social Protection (Oct) SPF adopted by the ILC as part of the Global Job Pact (June) SPF Initiative Interagency Meeting => MANUAL for country operations (Oct) Tripartite meeting of experts on ‘strategies for the extension of social security coverage’ in Geneva (Sept)
International Labour Office 15 Momentum – past and upcoming events 2010 UN Economic and Social Council Resolution 2010/12 on Promoting Social Integration (Feb) The EU, Latin America and Caribbean Countries Meeting in Madrid (May) The Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development in Hong Kong (June) Side Event, ILC 2010: "The Social Protection Floor Initiative" in Geneva (June) Sharing Innovative Experiences on the Social Protection Floor in Turin, Italy (July) Creation and 1 st Meeting of the high level SPF Global Advisory Group (Aug) Resolution MDG summit in NY (Sept) ASEM Workshop on the SPF and the Informal Economy in Nice & the ASEM 8 Summit in Brussels (Sept & Oct) Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing, China (Oct) Adoption of ‘The Yaoundé Tripartite Declaration on the Implementation of the SPF’ at the 2 nd Africa Decent Work Symposium (Oct) Global South-South Development Expo 2010 in Geneva (Nov) The 2nd Inter-Agency Technical Meeting of the UN SPF Initiative in Geneva (Nov) The 17th ILO Tripartite American Regional Meeting in Santiago (Dec) Launch of the EU’s European Report on Development 2010/2011 on ‘Social Protection for Inclusive Development’ (Dec)
International Labour Office 16 Momentum – past and upcoming events 2011 Commemoration of the World Day of Social Justice: Achieving Social Protection for All in NY (Feb) UNESCO Forum/ the third meeting of the Ministers in charge of Social Development - South Asia, in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Feb) SPF Initiative Interagency Technical Meeting in Turin, Italy (March) Workshop (Jan) and joint ILO-IMF meeting (March) on quantitative SPF assessments/ benefits costing in 7 countries SPF High Level Advisory Group Consultative Workshop (March) ASEM forum in Hanoi (April) Inter-agency Show and Tell Meeting on Social protection, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn (May 2011) 100 th session of the ILC – Recurrent discussion on ‘Social security for social justice and a fair globalization’, report on the strategic objective of social protection (social security) (June 2011) G20 Summit, 6 th Meeting of the G20 heads of government in Cannes, France (Nov 2011) And more... 16