Preview 2 The Warehouse Madrid Advanced Class
Relative Clauses The singer that you admire so much is giving a concert next month. The singer who you admire so much is giving a concert next month. I’d love to go and see that show that everyone’s talking about. I’d love to go and see that show which everyone’s talking about.
Relative Clauses That’s the café where we met last time. That´s the café at which we met last time. Have you met the woman whose daughter babysits for us? Do you know the man whose house was broken into? I didn’t buy his latest book. That was unusual for me.
Gradable, and non-gradable adjectives, adverbs Sue: I saw a program on crocodiles last night. It was very interesting. Ben: I’d be absolutely terrified if I saw one. Sue: Me too. What I was extremely surprised by is how fast they can run. Carl: Are you going to the concert tonight? Ken: No, it’s really difficult for me to get to Birmingham without a car. Carl: I could give you a lift. Ken: That’s very kind, but I’m also fairly tired so I’ll give it a miss, I think.
Verb +ING and Past Participles 1.We found the prospect of giving a talk rather frightening. 2.People leaving early should do so very quietly. 3.Despite trying very hard, I didn’t finish the job. 4.She can’t resist spoiling her grandchildren. 5.According to the manual, that switch is for opening the boot (trunk).
Verb +ING and Past Participles 6.The castle, built in the tenth century, is just round the corner from where we’re staying. 7.That report, written by Ted, is on my desk. 8.Karen was soon bored out of her mind by the guided tour.