W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EHES EHES is presently a Title I school We are 87% free and reduced lunch Ethnicity breakdown: White – 34% African American – 30% Hispanic – 29% Other – 7% Our Goals for this school year include: Increase Average Daily Attendance from 98% Increase students reading on grade level to 70% Increase students on math grade level to 70%
B USINESS P ARTNERS First United Methodist Church of Eustis Orange Avenue Church of Christ of Eustis Epiphany Church of Eustis Elks Club of Eustis Takis of Eustis Striking Effects of Eustis Kiwanis Club of Eustis Golden Corral of Eustis Kona Ice of South Lake County Burger King of Eustis
B USINESS PARTNERS How Can Your Business Specifically Help EHES: Have school supply drive to benefit our school in the fall and/or winter Donate Thanksgiving food baskets for our neediest families Adopt a child/family at Christmas Give Coupons for student incentives Gift cards for teacher drawings
B USINESS P ARTNERS Donate monetarily to school uniform fund…$20.00 to sponsor one child Donate funds for classroom libraries……….$ Donate monetarily for Student Attendance Incentives; gift cards/small toys/new children’s books/games Donate monetarily for economically disadvantaged children to attend and experience educational field trips Feed teachers breakfast/lunch throughout the school year; cost for breakfast approximately $ Personally Volunteer and/or Mentor our students Allow your employees to volunteer/mentor during the workday
G OALS FOR OUR S CHOOL V OLUNTEER P ROGRAM To improve individualized educational assistance to students To enrich the students’ curriculum and in turn broaden their awareness and experience. To increase students’ motivation for learning by providing a positive attitude toward education. To assist the teacher with some non-instructional tasks and duties. To stimulate community interest, concern and support for the education system.
G OALS FOR OUR S CHOOL V OLUNTEER P ROGRAM ( CONTINUED ) To strengthen school-community relations through direct and positive participation in the school. To promote better communication between homes, community and school. To promote community/citizen’s awareness of the programs, needs and achievements of the school. To recognize outstanding volunteers.
B ENEFITS FOR V OLUNTEERS More informed about the school Better understanding of teachers and schools Make use of skills and experiences Improved community relations Feeling of accomplishment
B ENEFITS FOR THE S CHOOL Improved school-community relations More individualized instruction for students Help with non-instructional duties for teachers Students receive more remedial help Students have positive role models
V OLUNTEERS --P ROCEDURES Complete volunteer form online Let Mrs. Boyd know you have completed the application Provide a schedule of availability to Mrs. Boyd Mrs. Boyd will contact you once you are approved Very Important: Be sure to sign in at the computer in the front office each time you come volunteer!
M ENTORING —P URPOSE What is a mentor? Positive Role Model Friend Coach Advisor Self-Esteem builder Advocate
M ENTORING —P URPOSE The primary purpose of the mentoring relationship is to build trust between you and the student you are mentoring. Mentors are not meant to replace parents….but Some of the students that you will mentor do not have a positive relationship with an adult. Did you know? 40% of a child’s waking hours are spend without supervision Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 46% less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs.
M ENTORING …… Mentors help children strength their communication skills Mentors help children set academic or personal goals at school Children with mentors have better school attendance and better attitudes toward school
M ENTORS – P ROCEDURES SAME AS V OLUNTEERS Complete volunteer form online Provide a schedule of availability to Mrs. Boyd Mrs. Boyd will contact you once you are approved Be sure to sign in at the computer in the front office each time you come in to mentor! After we get the parent permission, we will assign you a student to mentor Please try to commit to the entire year and at least one hour a week Free lunch is provided for you when you come and eat with your assigned student
M ENTORS AND V OLUNTEERS —B EST P RACTICES Try to be consistent with the time you come to Volunteer or/and Mentor. If you cannot come at your scheduled time, please your teacher. Always remain visible when working with children Be active listeners when working with students Be positive with students
M ENTORS AND V OLUNTEERS —B EST P RACTICES Hold high expectations Keep student information confidential If you suspect abuse or if the child shares any information that is alarming to you, please speak with the teacher and/or Mrs. Boyd Encourage feedback from students (to find out how you are doing or what they enjoy about working with you)
T HANK Y OU ! Thank you for your commitment to the students and teachers of Eustis Heights Elementary! We could not succeed without dedicated Business Partners, volunteers and mentors!!!! Questions??