BACWA Wet Weather Management Workshop Amy Chastain, Staff Attorney Baykeeper
San Francisco Baykeeper Baykeeper founded in 1989 –Keeper model: local eyes, ears and voice of the water –Advocate for stronger laws, litigate to enforce the laws Replicated model worldwide with help of Bobby Kennedy Jr. Waterkeeper Alliance: 161 worldwide
California Coastkeeper Alliance:
San Francisco Bay Wet Weather Discharges Sanitary Sewage Overflows (“SSOs”) 1,923 spills 12,400,000 gallons Wet Weather Discharges ? Blended Effluent ?
Baykeeper is “Sick of Sewage” Citizen Enforcement, CWA § 301 Education and Outreach –Public –Cities
Baykeeper is “Sick of Sewage” Legislation, AB 2986 –Letter grade –Flow quantification, if appropriate –Document posting
Looking Forward: Bay Area Sewage Management Collection system oversight –Co-permitting satellites and treatment plants? –Third party audits? –Regionalization of smaller systems? Blending analysis –Annual volume? –Pollutant loading?
Looking Forward: Bay Area Sewage Management Regional capacity planning –New capacity needed? –Incentives to increase water efficiency? –Incentives for water reuse? Future of Bay Area wastewater treatment –National BOD loading to increase 19% by 2016 –Nationally, 30% of plants > secondary –Locally, only 13% of plants > secondary
Thank you! Photos courtesy of Baykeeper volunteer H. Henry