EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI Engagement meeting Gergely Sipos 1
EGI-InSPIRE RI Our goals and agenda Monthly Engagement meeting with the –NGI International Liaisons –Champions –User Community Board – UCST and Communication teams –Other interested parties… Agenda: –Engagement in EGI-Engage – activities and priorities Work from reclaimed effort in EGI-InSPIRE –Feedback and discussion –AOB 2
EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-Engage Project proposal name: EGI-Engage Duration: 2.5 years (30 months) Call: –WP , EINFRA-1 topic, activity 6 Expected start: 1. January Maximum EC contribution: 8 mEuro Rough budget for engagement activities –For Competence Centres: approx. 2mEuro (1million/year, ~10 FTE) –For NGI activities: approx. 1mEuro ( /year, ~5 FTE) –For teams (~current size) 3
EGI-InSPIRE RI Some principles EGI continues to demonstrate value for the NGIs and for scientific communities –NILs to be funded by the NGIs –UCB members to be funded by the communities Use EC funding for focused, pre-defined, multi- national Engagement activities –VT framework and related coordination remains VTs continue to provide new opportunities for those who join (e.g. can grow into H2020 projects) –No effort in the project for VT participation 4
EGI-InSPIRE RI Groups to engage with 1.Flagship communities (ESFRI, FET, etc.) 2.Large communities 3.Long-tail 4.Resource providers 5.General public (incl. policy makers) 6.SMEs and industry 5
EGI-InSPIRE RI Flagship communities Competence Centres Identify and contribute to their events –coord. from, contribution from and the NGIs Open call for use cases/applications (1/year) –Jointly with other e-infrastructures –Current call is open until 19 th of August Technical user support? (DCC today) –How to define this? By discipline? By technology? By region? (Participation in ESFRI and ESFRI cluster projects) 6
EGI-InSPIRE RI Large communities Competence Centres –Cluster of NGIs for areas that did not submit CC proposal? Technologies from external projects (similar to SCI-BUS during EGI-InSPIRE) Champions (travel funding as of now) Open call and technical support (see earlier) 7
EGI-InSPIRE RI Long-tail Currently done by the NGIs –This will continue, but –how could we harmonise it, improve efficiency, sustainability and impact? Some CC? (TBD) ‘Long-tail platform’ –A ‘sandbox’ similar to the pay-per-use one Can be key for EGI’s future, or… The business model behind it needs to evolve to become sustainable –First version: A new VO that complements existing ones Volunteer resource providers Unfunded user environments Funded central user management service Funded training services 8
EGI-InSPIRE RI Long-tail platform proposal 9 Long-tail grid VOLong-tail cloud VO Certified EGI resource providers Join voluntarily User management portal National/domain/app. specific science gateways (e.g. SCI-BUS, DIRAC, CSGF, etc.) User-specific X509 proxies from robot certificates Request resources (EduGAIN, OpenID, Local ID) Justify request (describe science use case) Provide means for identification (e.g. URL of staff site, phone number, LinkedIn reference) NIL/UCST Grant/deny access (meeting or phone call) Collect and monitor usage stats. Survey for publications and feedback Access resources USTs, UCST Provide training and support
EGI-InSPIRE RI Resource providers Are expected to come from flagship and large communities –But will require training Develop content for resource providers –Focus on cloud setup and cloud federation –Delivery at community events or online? 10
EGI-InSPIRE RI General public Communication team in Desktop grids? –focus on engaging with citizen desktop providers –focus on engaging with universities to deploy institutional desktop grids 11
EGI-InSPIRE RI SMEs and industry Some CC? TBD by ongoing VT 12
EGI-InSPIRE RI Funding in EGI-InSPIRE Approx. 1.5 million Euro will be reclaimed – Euro for the already fixed PY5 DoW – Euro to be allocated to new activities for a DoW update The 700k will have to be used between Sep-Dec –~3 FTEs for Engagement activities Proposed activities in this area –Some of the CCs that were proposed for EGI-Engage (TBD) (1.25FTE) –User portal, incl. assembling the long-tail platform (1FTE) –Technical user support for users and Helix Nebula Marketplace (0.5FTE) –Contribution to community events (0.25FTE) Cosmo / CLM Community Assembly (DE), ECCB (FR), European Innovation Summit (BE) 13
EGI-InSPIRE RI Summary Bulk of effort in the CCs (~10 FTE) Coordination and communication (~6 FTE) –CCs, NILs, Champions, UCB, VTs, Events –UCST and communication teams at Distributed technical support teams (2.5 FTE?) –Link to the long-tail platform –Link to the cloud –Link to domains that have now CC Training development and delivery (2.5 FTE?) –Linked as above + policy, operation coord, ops tool dev. 14