Biology Climate Unit 14, Notes #2 (chapter 35, lesson 2)
Climate Weather conditions/patterns in an area over time Temperature Precipitation Climate dictates the types of plants that can grow Plant Growth dictates the type of organisms
Climate Earth’s primary heat source = Sun Different levels of solar radiation reach different parts of the earth in differing amounts 1 – because the Earth is a sphere 2 – because the Earth is tilted The UP, for example, is tilted toward the sun during the summer
Climate - Latitude Latitude The distance north or south of the equator The higher the latitude, the lower the temp Measured in Degrees Climate is affected by latitude
Climate Tropical Zone Region from the equator to 30 o north and south of the equator Hot, and doesn’t change much Temperate Zone Region from 30 o to 60 o north and south of the equator Cooler, changes with seasons Arctic Zone Region beyond 60 o north and south of the equator Cold, temp rarely above freezing….brrrrr!
Climate Other factors that affect Climate Distance to the nearest body of water Breezes from water cause cooler summers and milder winters Land Formations Mountains and valleys Ex – Mountains – as warm moist air rises it cools, dropping its water, as air travels over the mountains it ends up dry on the other side (Rain shadow) Altitude Height of an object above sea level Higher above sea level, the lower the temp
Biomes Biome An area that has distinctive climates and organisms Each contains individual ecosystems Named for their plant life Climate dictates what type of plants can grow Weather conditions in an area (Temp & Precipitation) Plant Growth dictates the type of animals Plants and animals have adaptations to help them survive in each biome
Kinds of Ecosystems - Land Forests Tropical Rain Forests Temperate Rain Forests Temperate Deciduous Forests Taiga Flatlands Savannas Temperate Grasslands (Prairies, Steppes, and Pampas) Chaparrel Deserts Tundra
Kinds of Ecosystems - Water Freshwater Lakes and Ponds Wetlands/Marshes/Swamps Rivers Marine Estuaries Coral Reefs Oceans Polar
Temperature and Precipitation Why does temperature limit which plants can grow in a certain biome? Plants can only live within a certain range of temps and they are affected by the length of the growing season.
Latitude and Altitude What is the relationship shown in the diagram? Climate gets colder as latitude and altitude increase