STEAM Volume
Directions: Choose a famous building. Research the volume of that building. Create a rectangular prism and give dimensions that equal the volume of your building. Write a paragraph with details describing your building. Don’t forget the STEAM! Extra Credit- Illustrate or Engineer one famous building
Example: Example 1: Find Actual Building/get image 2. Find Volume using formula/label sides 3. Write Descriptive Paragraph
Twin Towers Total Volume = 1,699,840 m 3 64 m 415 m 64 m
Create a paragraph (5-6 sentences) describing your building. (use scientific facts) Make sure your art work represents your building Do not forget the STEAM. What did you do for each letter- (complete sentences)
RUBRIC – Topic: Buildings Math Emphasis: Multiplying/Volume CRITERIAPOINTS POSSIBLEPOINTS EARNED Science (research topic/facts)10 Math Applied & Accurate10 STEAM – write a complete sentence that connects each area to the topic 15 Poster/Presentation10 Followed All Directions5 50 STEAM POSTER RUBRIC EXTRA CREDIT ___________