Welcome and Introductions
Staff Introductions
Welcome and Introductions Staff Introductions Partner Introductions
Welcome and Introductions Staff Introductions Partner Introductions Attendee Stats
Conference Center credentials: – Marriott Conference – Password step12016
Today’s Breaks and Meals
Immediately after this session there’s a break. Refreshments will be available in the hall just outside of this room. (and again mid-afternoon)
Today’s Breaks and Meals Immediately after this session there’s a break. Refreshments will be available in the hall just outside of this room. (and again mid-afternoon) Lunch will be in the Caloosa Ballroom (back towards the elevators)
Today’s Breaks and Meals Dinner tonight will be at: – SS Hookers – Walking distance, out by where you came into this property, right by the toll booth
Today’s Breaks and Meals Dinner tonight will be at: – SS Hookers – Walking distance, out by where you came into this property, right by the toll booth – We will meet in the lobby at 6:00 to walk over.
Today’s Breaks and Meals Dinner tonight will be at: – SS Hookers – Walking distance, out by where you came into this property, right by the toll booth – We will meet in the lobby at 6:00 to walk over. – In your badge you will find your meal selection for dinner. Place it in front of you once seated. (mention serving plan)
Today’s Breaks and Meals After dinner you are free to do whatever you like
Signup Lists Table outside with lots of lists and a touchscreen monitor!
Signup Lists Table outside with lots of lists and a touchscreen monitor! If interested, please sign the appropriate list or fill out the form on the touchscreen.
Signup Lists Table outside with lots of lists and a touchscreen monitor! If interested, please sign the appropriate list or fill out the form on the touchscreen. Please do NOT rely on telling your instructor and expecting them to remember!
All New SUGM Central!
On your phone or tablet, visit SUGM central
All New SUGM Central!
On your phone or tablet, visit SUGM central SUGM Now is your real time tool for what’s happening
All New SUGM Central! On your phone or tablet, visit SUGM central SUGM Now is your real time tool for what’s happening – Shows what breakout sessions are going on now – …and what’s coming up next – Allows you to do a quick rating of each class you attend (which helps us a lot!!)
All New SUGM Central! On your phone or tablet, visit SUGM central SUGM Now is your real time tool for what’s happening – Shows what breakout sessions are going on now – …and what’s coming up next – Allows you to do a quick rating of each class you attend (which helps us a lot!!) – Click on any class for course description & schedule
Digital Check In
Each classroom will have a tablet available to you as you walk in. Please find your name and check the box.
Digital Check In Each classroom will have a tablet available to you as you walk in. Please find your name and check the box. This will help us know total counts for each class, which helps us to better plan for which room each class should be in for the future.
Digital Check In Each classroom will have a tablet available to you as you walk in. Please find your name and check the box. This will help us know total counts for each class, which helps us to better plan for which room each class should be in for the future. Helps instructors to know who was in their class
Handouts and PPT Slides At the conclusion of this year’s meeting, all handouts and Power Point Slides will be posted for you on SUGM Central. – Will be available Noon on Wed until June 10th
What’s New in Version 7.37?
This is the largest most extensive version we’ve ever released!!
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos)
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos) Major Upgrades to CRM
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos) Major Upgrades to CRM Upgrade Credit Card Processing – EMV cards
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos) Major Upgrades to CRM Upgrade Credit Card Processing – EMV cards New Essendant Item Import Utility
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos) Major Upgrades to CRM Upgrade Credit Card Processing – EMV cards New Essendant Item Import Utility Numerous Upgrades to Web Sales Rep
What’s New in Version 7.37? SNAP (STEP1 Notes and Photos) Major Upgrades to CRM Upgrade Credit Card Processing – EMV cards New Essendant Item Import Utility Numerous Upgrades to Web Sales Rep SUM – Supply Usage Manager
STEP1 Notes And Photos
SNAP STEP1 Notes And Photos STEP1 already has lots of note fields…
SNAP STEP1 Notes And Photos STEP1 already has lots of note fields… …but we are fundamentally changing how notes work
SNAP STEP1 Notes And Photos STEP1 already has lots of note fields… …but we are fundamentally changing how notes work Current notes are one big memo field
SNAP STEP1 Notes And Photos STEP1 already has lots of note fields… …but we are fundamentally changing how notes work Current notes are one big memo field SNAP notes will be individually listed with date and summary
SNAP – Attach Notes to: Customer Vendor Item Service Department Machine Order/Invoice PO
SNAP – Documents:
Used to organize ‘permanent’ documents that you need to save and easily view.
SNAP – Documents: Used to organize ‘permanent’ documents that you need to save and easily view. When viewed, it displays the Document file (PDF or JPG) and the Document Subject.
SNAP – Documents: Used to organize ‘permanent’ documents that you need to save and easily view. When viewed, it displays the one Document file (PDF or JPG) and the Document Subject. SNAP Documents for Customers & Vendors are displayed in a separate tab from SNAP notes.
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Examples…
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Attach a resale certificate to a customer
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Attach a resale certificate to a customer Attach a situational-use photo (or video link) to an item
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Attach a resale certificate to a customer Attach a situational-use photo (or video link) to an item Attach a ‘Problem’ photo to an order
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Attach a resale certificate to a customer Attach a situational-use photo (or video link) to an item Attach a ‘Problem’ photo to an order Attach a vendor’s PO Acknowledgement to PO
SNAP – Photos & Documents: Attach a resale certificate to a customer Attach a situational-use photo (or video link) to an item Attach a ‘Problem’ photo to an order Attach a vendor’s PO Acknowledgement to PO …and/or a vendor’s invoice
SNAP Notes for a Customer:
SNAP Level 1 Fees
SNAP Level 1 for typed notes is included in the base product, no up front charge and no fees.
SNAP Level 1 Fees In order to link to Photos and/or Documents in a note, you will need to subscribe to a cloud based storage service to store that content.
SNAP Level 1 Fees In order to link to Photos and/or Documents in a note, you will need to subscribe to a cloud based storage service to store that content. We have designed an interface called STEP1 Simple Storage Services (S4), that makes it easy to upload and link to cloud storage.
SNAP Level 1 Fees In order to link to Photos and/or Documents in a note, you will need to subscribe to a cloud based storage service to store that content. We have designed an interface called STEP1 Simple Storage Services (S4), that makes it easy to upload and link to cloud storage. No up front fee, $25/mo S4 interface fee plus cloud storage fees.
SNAP Level 1 Fees S4 cloud storage is very affordable…
SNAP Level 1 Fees S4 cloud storage is very affordable… Typical pricing for 20gb of space….less than $1
SNAP Level 1 Fees S4 cloud storage is very affordable… Typical pricing for 20gb of space….less than $1 This is something you subscribe directly with the vendor, and it auto-charges to your cc.
Much More on SNAP
Tomorrow in the General Session we will see how you can use SNAP to do A/R Call Tracking
Much More on SNAP Tomorrow in the General Session we will see how you can use SNAP to do A/R Call Tracking Also, we will look at SNAP Level 2 (7.38): – Open Notes – Collaboration between Staff members – ToDo’s – Projects – SNAP Dash - Dashboard
SNAP Breakout Sessions
Today we have TWO of the SNAP Overview breakout sessions. Please divide up between the two, rather than everyone going to the first one!!
CRM Enhancements
Customer Centric. Once you have identified the customer, you can stay on that customer:
CRM Enhancements Customer Centric. Once you have identified the customer, you can stay on that customer: – View Customer Dashboard & Trends
CRM Enhancements Customer Centric. Once you have identified the customer, you can stay on that customer: – View Customer Dashboard & Trends – Add or View Activities, Opportunities, and Notes
CRM Enhancements Customer Centric. Once you have identified the customer, you can stay on that customer: – View Customer Dashboard & Trends – Add or View Activities, Opportunities, and Notes …and the same for Prospects.
CRM Enhancements Customer Centric. Once you have identified the customer, you can stay on that customer: – View Customer Dashboard & Trends – Add or View Activities, Opportunities, and Notes …and the same for Prospects. Buttons designed to be fat finger friendly
CRM Enhancements CRM is now local on your database rather than in the cloud…
CRM Enhancements CRM is now local on your database rather than in the cloud… – Contacts changed or added in CRM are updated directly in your STEP1 database. (You can flag this to only affect sales contacts)
CRM Enhancements CRM is now local on your database rather than in the cloud… – Contacts changed or added in CRM are updated directly in your STEP1 database. (You can flag this to only affect sales contacts) – Notes entered for a customer in CRM are attached to that customer as a SNAP note.
CRM Enhancements
CRM – a STEP1 Strategic Product
CRM will be mentioned in several SALES related breakout sessions.
CRM – a STEP1 Strategic Product CRM will be mentioned in several SALES related breakout sessions. It is one of the most important strategic tools STEP1 has to help you facilitate growth.
Credit Card Processing Enhancements
STEP1 can now handle EMV (Chip Cards) (requires proper hardware and ChargeItPro gateway)
Credit Card Processing Enhancements STEP1 can now handle EMV (Chip Cards) (requires proper hardware and ChargeItPro gateway) Now handles Level 2 P-Card Processing
Credit Card Processing Enhancements STEP1 can now handle EMV (Chip Cards) (requires proper hardware and ChargeItPro gateway) Now handles Level 2 P-Card Processing There’s a breakout class on Credit Card Integration.
SUM: Supply Usage Manager
Replaces STEP1 Corporate Account Manager (CORP)
SUM: Supply Usage Manager Replaces STEP1 Corporate Account Manager (CORP) Web App, so runs on browser, tablets, and phones (not optimized for phones yet)
SUM: Supply Usage Manager Replaces STEP1 Corporate Account Manager (CORP) Web App, so runs on browser, tablets, and phones (not optimized for phones yet) Avoids installation issues we experienced with CORP.
SUM: Supply Usage Manager This is a tool for your Multi-Location ‘A’ accounts (schools, county govt, etc)
SUM: Supply Usage Manager This is a tool for your Multi-Location ‘A’ accounts (schools, county govt, etc) Allows customers to set supply budgets by building (or department)
SUM: Supply Usage Manager This is a tool for your Multi-Location ‘A’ accounts (schools, county govt, etc) Allows customers to set supply budgets by building (or department) Tracks purchases, compares to budget and reports to Director of Maintenance.
SUM: Supply Usage Manager This is a tool for your Multi-Location ‘A’ accounts (schools, county govt, etc) Allows customers to set supply budgets by building (or department) Tracks purchases, compares to budget and reports to Director of Maintenance. Many useful charts, graphs, and reports!
SUM: Supply Usage Manager We will discuss this product in greater detail tomorrow morning.
Development Partner Announcements: J&M Catalog – new features 88 Graphics – announces Precision Marketing On Point Reps – new features Charge It Pro – New enhancements (chip cards)
J&M Catalog
J&M Online Order Entry now Mobile-Friendly!
J&M Catalog
Now has Essendant Items available. See John for details on this…
88 Graphics
Mobile-Friendly Website
88 Graphics Mobile-Friendly Website Precision Marketing
88 Graphics Mobile-Friendly Website Precision Marketing – Expanded Marketing Campaigns to help drive both focus and sales to your efforts.
88 Graphics Mobile-Friendly Website Precision Marketing – Expanded Marketing Campaigns to help drive both focus and sales to your efforts. Plan to go to the MARKETING breakout class
On Point Reps
Three products of interest to STEP1 customers:
On Point Reps Three products of interest to STEP1 customers: – Video Manager – Library of 20,000 videos from 1200 jan/san vendors. Perfect for SNAP!
On Point Reps Three products of interest to STEP1 customers: – Video Manager – Library of 20,000 videos from 1200 jan/san vendors. Perfect for SNAP! – Quick Tips – Vendor nonspecific training videos. Subjects like what a floor machine does and how it does it, how to calculate can liner sizes, etc.
On Point Reps Three products of interest to STEP1 customers: – Video Manager – Library of 20,000 videos from 1200 jan/san vendors. Perfect for SNAP! – Quick Tips – Vendor nonspecific training videos. Subjects like what a floor machine does and how it does it, how to calculate can liner sizes, etc. – Sales Training – 400+ training videos
Breakout Sessions
Anybody can attend any session, but…
Breakout Sessions Anybody can attend any session, but… Many courses are designed to either be beginner or advanced.
Breakout Class Comments
Remember today we have TWO sessions for beginning SNAP. Please divide up between them.
Breakout Class Comments Remember today we have TWO sessions for beginning SNAP. Please divide up between them. And tomorrow we will have TWO sessions for Mark Dejeu (Web Sales Rep, CSS, and SUM)
Sales/Growth Class Themes:
We have two themes running thru many of these classes:
Sales/Growth Class Themes: We have two themes running thru many of these classes: – Average GP/Order by customer – Market Group Focus
THANK YOU! Have a great day