W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, REPORTS BY NEW PROJECT DIVISION HEADS: “LINAC& Operations” organisation issues tasks and aims milestones re-orgnisation of personell interfaces to other project divisions
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee,
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, Organigramm /L&O (recently) LINAC&Operations (LO) W. Barth Accelerator&Operation B. Scheeler, P. Schuett Ion Sources R. Hollinger, K. Tinschert LINAC L. Groening, S. Mickat LINAC-RF G. Schreiber, M. Hoerr Beam Instrumentation M. Schwickert, P. Forck Electric Power System H. Ramakers, H. Welker Deputy M. Schwickert Secretariat N.N. Assistance W. Bayer Project Group: p-LINAC W. Vinzenz, G. Clemente 113 FTE 10/2012
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, personell/LINAC&Operations
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims I Projektbereich L&O (LO) Established: 8/2012 For 120 – 140 staff members: head of division, 1 secretary, 2 assistants (financial issues, personell management, time schedule, reporting, general administration, project control issues) tot. need: 4 FTE (since 10/2012: 2.75 FTE) and 1 deputy Project Group FAIR-p-linac (LOPL) Established: 10/2012 need: 5.5 FTE, Status: 1 scientist, 3 engineers, Groupleader resonsible for FAIR as well as for group staff general project management, system design, Building follow up (GAP), supervision of inkind contributions: rf cavities (RFQ, CH, rebuncher), 325 MHz klystrons
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, The FAIR Proton Injector Beam Energy Beam Current (design/oper.) Beam Pulse Repetition Rate Frequency Norm. Emittance at output Momentum Spread Beam Loading (peak) RF Power (peak) Klystron (3 MW Peak Power) Solid State Amplifier (50 kW) Total Length (RFQ + CH) 70 MeV 70 / 35 mA 36 µs 4 Hz MHz 2.1 / 4.2 µm ≤ ± MW 2.5 MW 7 3 ≈ 27 m RFQ CH-DTL Klystron
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims II LINAC department (LOLI) Established: 10/2012, former part of the department „LINAC&Ion Sources“ New head of division, + 7 FTE, leaving of 4 FTE ( LO, LOPL and tot. need: 7 FTE FAIR UNILAC-upgrade, UNILAC: operation, upgrade „Fit for FAIR“ commissioning, shutdown, HITRAP, CRYRING-injector operation, r&d-, prototyping for the HE-LINAC (replacement of Alvarez DTL), rf-cavity development beam direction
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, Further preparation activities for the injector linacs FAIR-p-linac rf-teststand (325 MHz-CH-prototype, commissioning 2012) HGF-AcceleratorResearch&Development (prototyping HE&cw-LINAC key components) Prototyping of a sc 325 (HE-LINAC-Booster) Cold model sc-prototype Room Temp. IH-DTL Room Temp. CH-DTL Supercond. CH-DTL
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims III Accelerator Operation (LOAO) Established since many years need: 0 FTE, Status: 18 FTE, leaving of 2 FTE (1 senior scientist LO, 1 operator SB) to be done: dedicated staff planing for the long shutdown periods ( ) Requirement by project division „Primary Beams“: 10 FTE (operators) for magnet testing (2015/2016) machine beam time operation 2013, 2014 organization and managment of shutdown-measures preparation for FAIR-commissioning: operators training recruitment of operation staff (fit for injector- and FAIR-commissioning: >2016
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims III Ion Sources (LOIS) Established: 10/2012, former part of the department „LINAC&Ion Sources“ New head of division, + 18 FTE, leaving of 1 FTE (rf-engineer LOPL) work package: proton source for the FAIR p-LINAC FAIR UNILAC-upgrade: new uranium high current ion source terminal compact LEBT, ion source operation (Penning, MeVVa, MUCIS, ECR) R&D or FAIR: High Current operation for FAIR (2.5 Hz operation) 28 GHz-ECR project infrastructure group: mech. workshop,... (temporarily available)
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims IV LINAC RF (LORF) Established: 10/2012, former part of the department „Radio Frequency“ New head of division, + 12 FTE, leaving of 1 FTE (experienced rf- engineer LOPL) no rf-engineers available work package: rf system for the FAIR p-LINAC 2 MW rf-amplifier prototype for the HE-LINAC-project, preparation of series production „Reconstruction“ of the complete UNILAC-rf-gallery) rf-system/IH-prototyping for the HE-LINAC project operation and support of the running rf-systems maintenance shutdown,... R&D of UNILAC rf-system Digital low level rf system for the HE-LINAC-2 MW amplifiers Support of HITRAP, CRYRING rf-cavities
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims V Electric Power Systems (LOEP) Established since many years max. need: 8 FTE (2016), Status: 17 FTE retirement of key personell
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, tasks and aims VI Beam Instrumentation (LOBI) Established since many years max. need: 4 FTE (2016), Status: 30 FTE requirements adressed to other divisions to be considered
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, personell/beam instrumentation priorisation for basic beam instrumentation for SIS100&CR 2 FTEs from Egineering&LO original 8 FTE from Common System recruitment of project associates
W. Barth, 8th FAIR Machine Advisory Committee, Summary L&O established since 10/2012 worpackage leader (LOBI, LOEP) for Primary Beams, Stored Beams and Rare Isotope Beams personell support from Project Coordination, Common Sytems, Engineering defined Transformation process of the former accelerator division not completed until now Careful and early stage planing of beam operation, commisioning phases is strongly recommended (LOAO, LOLI, LOIS, LORF)