Kentucky Board of Education OCTOBER 9, 2012 College/Career Readiness, Proficiency and Achievement Gap Update
Data Cleanup and Results PRELIMINARY RESULTS Data cleanup occurs in October, and results may be adjusted after the cleanup process. Cleanup process lets school district staff: o look for systemic errors in data o adjust Student Rosters to remove or add students, depending on their circumstances during testing Numbers reported in this presentation may change after the cleanup process is completed. ALL DATA ARE CONSIDERED PRELIMINARY 2
PRELIMINARY RESULTS indicate that we will exceed our annual delivery target of 40 percent of students college/career-ready. An overall average of approximately 44 to 47 percent is anticipated, but that may be adjusted after the cleanup process. College/Career-Ready Results 3
Proficiency Baseline Increase the average combined reading and math Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) percentage for elementary and middle school students from approximately 40 – 44 percent in Increase the number of students that will be ready for kindergarten from approximately percent in Increase the percent of 3 rd graders proficient in mathematics and reading on the state assessment from approximately percent in BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA 4
Achievement Gap Baseline Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non- duplicated gap group (African-American, Hispanic, Native American, With Disability, Free/Reduced- Price Meals, Limited English Proficiency) from approximately 29 – 33 percent in BASED ON PRELIMINARY DATA 5
Progress Reports Strategies are tracked in our project management tool – CoPilot. Strategies are assessed regularly, and reports are generated to catch problems early and address issues as quickly as possible. 6