MY TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Joana Melo PhD Candidate – Architectural Engineering
OUTLINE Introduction Learning Goals Methods Assessment Diversity Conclusion 2
HOW I SEE MYSELF F ACILITATOR OF A CTIVE L EARNING IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 3
DEFINITION OF ACTIVE LEARNING “The process of having students engage in some activity that forces them to reflect upon ideas and upon how they are using those ideas. Requiring students to regularly assess their own degree of understanding and skill at handling concepts or problems in a particular discipline. The attainment of knowledge by participating or contributing. The process of keeping students mentally, and often physically, active in their learning through activities that involve them in gathering information, thinking and problem solving.” The Greenwood Dictionary of Education - Collins, J. W., & O'Brien, N. P. (2011). The Greenwood dictionary of education. ABC-CLIO. IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 4
LEARNING GOALS 5 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion
LEARNING GOALS 1. Understand and connect concepts [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons - IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 6
LEARNING GOALS 2. Develop critical thinking skills Adapted from: KellyLawless (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons - ReasoningEvaluating Problem Solving Decision Making Analyzing Critical Thinking Skills Critical Thinking Skills IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 7
LEARNING GOALS 3. Solve real life problems By Dake [CC BY-SA-2.5( via Wikimedia Commons - IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 8
METHODS 9 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion
METHODS 10 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 1.To understand and connect concepts a.Explain the concepts
METHODS 11 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 1.To understand and connect concepts b.discussion based activities Ideas? Idea 1Idea 2
METHODS 12 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 1.To understand and connect concepts c.simulation activities By BabaYama [CC BY-SA-2.5( via Wikimedia Commons -
METHODS 13 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 2.To develop critical thinking skills Research and write opinion papers Subject 1 This is my review of the paper about Subject 1. Subject 1 relates to X. And I feel that the subject is Y. Student Z
METHODS 14 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 3.To solve real life problems Real data projects Also helps with: -critical thinking skills -how to work in a team
ASSESSMENT 15 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion
ASSESSMENT 16 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 1.Understand and connect concepts Exams or quizzes By Monika Wahi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
ASSESSMENT 17 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 2.To develop critical thinking skills Peer review
ASSESSMENT 18 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 3.To solve real life problems Team video presentation: results of project
DIVERSITY 19 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion
DIVERSITY Learning environment needs to be INCLUSIVE IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 20
DIVERSITY Reach diverse learning styles: listening (concepts) writing (critical thinking) observing (video presentation) IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 21
DIVERSITY Discussion based activities ↓ Sense of Belonging IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 22
DIVERSITY IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 23
CONCLUSION 24 IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion
CONCLUSION In the end, if my students are able to see me as a partner in learning, and they can achieve the learning goals with my help, my purpose is accomplished. IntroductionGoalsMethodsAssessmentDiversityConclusion 25
QUESTIONS? Please contact me at: Thank you! 26