pcdm, iiif, & interoperability esmé dplafest
pcdm portland common data model
pcdm is intended to promote interoperability between tools and data models between different repositories between different communities
pcdm is a data model pcdm:Collection pcdm:Object pcdm:File DA DA BTA pcdm:hasFile pcdm:hasMember ore:aggregates pcdm:hasMember ore:aggregates
pcdm is a data model… with extensions works used by HydraWorks/CurationConcerns/Sufia file use differentiating original file from thumbnails, from … formats union of existing format vocabs like UDFRS, Pronom, NFO, etc. rights properties to supplement the Hydra rights metadata recommendation
pcdm is a community started in the Hydra community in late 2014 expanded at code4lib 2015 in portland many contributors from many institutions github repo: google group: starting to think about governance, community organization
pcdm is having a big impact in the Hydra community years of failure to share code in the Hydra community several technical approaches that didn't work committed to talking through barriers to working together building tools together and committing to use them
pcdm beyond the Hydra community began with closely-related communities like Fedora and Islandora expanding more broadly actively seeking input and new perspectives encouraging participation in metadata interest groups
international image interoperability framework
iiif is a vision create a global framework by which image-based resources (images, books, maps, scrolls, manuscripts, musical scores, etc.) …from any participating institution can be delivered in a standard way …via any compatible image server …for display, manipulation and annotation in any application, …to any user on the Web.
iiif is a vision… continued with tens of millions of image-based resources backed by a consortium of world-leading cultural heritage and research institutions supported by a rich and growing suite of software tools incorporating the best of current image delivery technology, and leveraging Web standards
“get pixels” via a simple, RESTful, web service just enough metadata to drive a remote viewing experience image api presentation api iiif is a set of apis
image api
presentation api structure – collection, item, sequence, parts properties – labels, description, license, attribution, links
image + presentation = object
presentation api title label structure (TOC) sequence image api image data image + presentation = object
iiif drafts and discussions auth – integrating multiple resources that require auth – search – searching within iiif content – ixif – how do audio and video fit into iiif?
shared canvas data model developed out of the digital manuscript interop work provides a “lingua franca” for modelling image & text- based digital resources based on linked data: web and annotation-friendly!
presentation data model
iiif is a set of compatible software IIP Image IIP Moo Viewer digilib FSI Viewer FSI Server OpenSeadragon wellcome player mirador internet archive book reader image servers image clients image apps
iiif is a community
national leaders National Libraries Austria British Library France Denmark Egypt Israel New Zealand Norway Poland Serbia Vatican Wales Research Institutions C2RMF (France) Cornell University Johns Hopkins Univ. Harvard University Oxford University Princeton University Stanford University Wellcome Library Yale University plus several more Projects Biblissima e-codices TPEN TextGrid Aggregators Artstor DPLA Europeana Museums YCBA British Museum
iiif is an ecosystem find, use, analyze, annotate want: mix & match, best of breed scholars tool makers repositories build useful tools and apps want: users & resources host, preserve (and enrich) resources want: use of resources, enriching services, enriched content
apis → framework → ecosystem
specifications are important precise and explicit provide a common reference encourage challenging assumptions
but community is more important don't develop in a vacuum seek out use cases engage and collaborate commit to use sustain over the long term
esmé dplafest portions derived from IIIF for Oxford used under CC BYIIIF for OxfordCC BY