Migration Pop Gill Cohesion & Integration Manager Derby City Council
Definitions EU Migration / Free Movement – EU citizens can move freely between member states to live, work, study or retire in another country. Non-EU migrants – require visas/work permits, allocated on a skill Points Based System (PBS) – Tier 1 (high value); Tier 2 (skilled workers with a job offer); Tier 4 (students). Tier 3 (unskilled) entry routes are not open Asylum seeker – someone who has fled persecution in their country of origin, has arrived in another country, made themselves known to the authorities and exercised their right to apply for asylum.
Definitions… Failed asylum seeker – someone whose asylum application has been turned down and is awaiting return to their country of origin. Refugee – someone whose asylum application has been successful and who is allowed to stay in another country. Illegal immigrant – someone who has arrived in another country and has no legal basis for being there.
Asylum Immigration Act 1999 – Legal obligation to provide support to Asylum Seekers who would otherwise be destitute Dispersal Areas – 93 local authorities agreed to be dispersal areas in 2000 – Derby, Leicester, Nottingham 1:200 Population – The dispersal rate – Local cluster limit of 460 set in 2007
The Derby Picture 718 Asylum Seekers currently supported in Derby – Does not include: Subsistence only Unsupported Unaccompanied children Failed Asylum Seekers G4S Care and Justice Services – Provision of Housing for destitute Asylum Seekers only Statutory Agencies – school places, access to health services, social care, foster care, move on accommodation,
Who..? Derby Top
Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme - VPR 20,000 Commitment Supports relocation of Syrian Refugees from Refugee Camps bordering Syria The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will Identify and assess people in need refer people to the scheme Home Office confirms eligibility Refers people to Local Authorities for consideration
Who the Scheme Supports Children and adolescents at risk Women and girls at risk Survivors of torture and/or violence Medical needs or disabilities Legal and/or physical protection needs At risk due to their sexual orientation or gender identity Refugees with family links in resettlement countries
Considerations - VPR Potential 5 year commitment Suitable housing and accommodation – Government has indicated that they are not asking people to come forward with offers of a spare bedroom. School place availability Capacity of SEN services – expected that high percentage of children will fall into this category
Considerations - VPR Specialist health services and GP registers expected that a high percentage will need both primary and specialist services Capacity of fostering services / looked after children services and leaving care teams Capacity of voluntary sector organisations Continued rise in Asylum Seeker dispersals to the city Financial implications beyond the first year
VPR Process Map