A presentation is not just a YOU YOU are also part of the presentation
Great Content Eye-catching Design Effective Delivery
Clear Simple Consistent
Content Presentation Outline Introduction Problem statement Objectives Literature Review Table of comparison Based on your literature reviews, what have you concluded, which method your are going to use? Proposed Methodology Flowchart Software? Hardware? Preliminary Results Graphs – make sure your graphs are CLEAR. Give some analysis of your result Conclusion, Future work and Gantt Chart Which objectives you have achieved in FYP 1? What is your next plan for FYP 2?
How to How to Design your presentation should be SIMPLE, not too many font styles and colors should contain POINTS and not long sentences
Delivery Voice and Volume Clear voice, loud (not shouting) Don’t talk flat Pronunciation Physical Appearance Dress formally Maintain a confident look
Facial Expressions Look comfortable and confident Don’t look annoyed/angry at your examiner Eye Contact You can use notes, but still keep eye contact with your audience General Body Movement Look that you are ready for questions Be proud of your work
Handling questions Listen to the questions, and if you did not hear the question, say “Pardon” “Can you repeat the question please?” instead of saying “What?” Answer honestly, get back later if necessary If you don’t know the answer, just apologize and say “Sorry, I don’t know the answer” Respond in a focused way
Important Rules 10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A Please rehearse your presentation to make sure you are on time 16 th May 2016 (Monday) – 17 th May 2016 (Tuesday) Venue will be announced later Please come early minutes before your session If you are the first presenter that day, come early and please try and open your presentation – in case there is issue with the PC and projector If you are using another software such as Prezi – use your own laptop and connect to the projector BUT make sure you know how to re-connect back to the PC
THANK YOU Questions?