Collaborations Between CAgM and CAS Robert Stefanski Agricultural Meteorology Programme WMO
Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) – Terms of Reference (1) Support applications of meteorology to management of agriculture, livestock, forestry, rangelands and fisheries sectors; Assist Member countries in developing/establishing their agrometeorological services particularly on: Operational use of knowledge concerning weather and climate for sustainable agricultural management through conservation and better use of natural resources; Use of weather and agrometeorological observations, forecasts and warnings for operational purposes;
Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) – Terms of Reference (2) Use of climate observations and predictions; Adaptation to climate variability and change (developing countries); Combating unfavourable influences of weather and climate on agricultural subsectors, including weather-related pests and diseases; Protection of agricultural produce in storage/transit against damage due to direct and indirect influences of weather and climate;
Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) – Terms of Reference (3) Improve coordination and collaboration mechanisms with users of weather and climate information in agricultural subsectors & liaise actively with weather and climate service providers; Formulate data and information requirements for agricultural purposes; Foster development and use of effective communication methods for acquiring and disseminating agrometeorological information, advice and warnings to agricultural subsectors and getting feedback; Promote a better understanding of the interactions and impacts of weather and climate in regards to drought and desertification;
Management Group (MG) FA 1 Operational Agricultural Meteorology COMMISSION FOR AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY COMMISSION FOR AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY President: Byong Lee, Vice-President: Federica Rossi FOCUS AREAS (FA) FA 2 Science and Technology for Agricultural Meteorology FA 3 Natural Hazards and Climate Change/Variability In Agriculture FA 4 Capacity Development in Agricultural Meteorology
CAgM Focus Area 1 – Operational Agricultural Meteorology ET Livestock, Poultry, and Inland Fisheries ET 1.2 – Crops: Agromet Products ET Forestry (Fire Weather, Fire danger rating) TT Publication on Case Studies TT Task Team on Guidelines for Developing Agricultural Weather Bulletins Joint CAgM–JCOMM Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries
CAgM Focus Area 2 – Science and Technology ET 2.1 – World Agrometeorological Information Service (WAMIS) ET 2.2 – Data Issues in Agrometeorology TT 2.1 – Agromet and GIS Applications for Agricultural Decision Making TT Soil Moisture Measurements TT Flux Measurements For Agriculture
CAgM Focus Area 3 – Natural Hazards & Climate Change/Variability In Agric. ET Drought ET Agricultural Decision-support and Extension Services on Climate Extremes ET 3.3 – Weather/Climate Extremes and Agricultural Industry Needs TT Socio-economic impacts of weather and climate extremes on Agriculture TT Weather and Climate Modelling for Sustainable Agriculture Joint Expert Group on Climate, Food and Water (JEG-CFW)
CAgM Focus Area 4 – Capacity Development ET Capacity Building ET Guidelines on Education and training in Agromet TT Developing Online Community of Climate and Agricultural Production TT 4.2 – Identifying Agromet Publications and GAMP GFCS User Interface Platform for Ag and Food Security
Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (2010) 1.General 2.Agricultural Meteorological Variables & Their Observations 3.Agricultural Meteorological Data & Statistical Analysis 4.Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Agrometeorology 5.Weather And Climate Forecasts For Agriculture 6.Agrometeorological Forecasting 7.Climate & Weather Risk Assessment for Disaster Preparedness & Agricultural Planning 8.Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture 9.Applications of Meteorology to Agriculture
11 Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (2010) 10.Agrometeorology of Some Selected Crops (8) 11.Applications of Meteorology to Forestry & Non- Forest Trees 12.Weather & Climate & Animal Production 13.Application of Agrometeorology to Aquaculture & Fisheries 14.Agrometeorological Aspects of Desertification 15.Aerobiology 16.Applications of Climatic Resources in Mountainous Regions 17.Communicating Agroclimatological Information, including Forecasts, for Agricultural Decisions click on Guide on right-hand menu
Key Questions in AgroMeteorology What are the weather / climate events that impact agricultural decision-making? How to relate weather / climate information to meaningful agricultural actions / practices?
13 Users of Agrometeorological Information Any agricultural decision-maker: International officials (i.e. Red Cross, WFP, UN) Government official Extension agent Farmers, ranchers, foresters, fishers Media General public
Partnerships FAO and WFP World Farmer’s Organization (WFO) AGRHYMET and ACMAD EUMETSAT and WMO-RTCs United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COST Actions of the European Science Foundation GEO - Group on Earth Observations
Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA) Established in September 2014 at the United Nations Climate Summit CAgM contributes to the goals of GACSA and that CAgM could therefore effectively share its expertise with the GACSA 17 th Congress approved WMO joining GACSA as an observer with CAgM as its main representative
Global Research Alliance on Agricultural GHGs (GRA) Launched in Dec 2009 with 45 member countries (GRA- Focused on research, development and extension of technologies and practices to deliver more food with less GHGs emissions. Founded on the voluntary, collaborative efforts of countries. Five research groups paddy rice, livestock, croplands, soil carbon and nitrogen cross-cutting group, and inventory and monitoring group
Previous CAgM ET on Contribution of Agriculture to the State of Climate (2004)
International Workshop on Atmospheric Chemistry and Agricultural Meteorology 2-4 Nov 2015 – Pune, India Organized by CAgM, CAS, IMD 30 participants from 11 countries at workshop Workshop examined impacts of atmospheric chemistry which includes air pollution on agricultural production, the impacts of agriculture on the atmospheric composition including greenhouse gases, biomass burning, reactive gases and aerosols
Workshop Conclusions and Recommendations The two communities expressed strong interest for extended collaboration. Agreed to publish WMO brochure on Agriculture, Climate and Air Pollution to promote these issues to a wider audience (Dec 2016) Explore opportunities to develop pilot studies to make use of existing observation and forecasting systems to develop application for ag users Need to enhance observation system for trace gases & aerosols in ag sensitive areas (India)
Further CAS and CAgM Collaborations Creation of possible Joint ET on CAS/CAgM ET Make assessments on tropospheric ozone impacts on agriculture (Workshops) Joint activities on BioMass Burning (IBBI) – CAgM experts attending Nitrogen Cycle Workshop (April 2016) IG3IS Collaborations – liaise with FLUXNET and CAgM experts Sand and Dust Storms – Agricultural Impacts Impacts of Sand and Dust Storms on Agriculture and Potential Agricultural Applications of a SDSWS
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