Cell Divison
Cell Division Occurs in all organisms Performs different functions Unicellular organisms reproduce through cell division The cells in multicellular organisms grow, develop, repair, and reproduce through cell division
Unicellular or Multicellular? Which one are you? How do you know? Give examples of cell division within yourself.
Genetic Material The genetic material of a cell contains information needed for the cell’s growth and other activities. When a cell divides into 2 cells, each new cell receives a full set of genetic material The genetic material in cells is contained in DNA molecules
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid (dee-ahk-see-rhy-boh-noo-KLEE-ihk) DNA is made of two strands of molecules joined in a structure that resembles a twisted ladder DNA tells each cell what that cells job is.
Cell Cycle The normal sequence of development and division of a cell Started with one cell (parent cell) Now have two identical cells (daughter cells) Each daughter cell has a complete set of DNA Two main phases: interphase and mitosis/cytokinesis
Interphase Part of the cell cycle in which the cell is NOT dividing During this phase: –Cell grows to twice its size –Cell engages in normal life activities (transporting materials in and wastes out) –Cellular respiration occurs (provides energy the cell needs) –Cell duplicates its exact DNA
Mitosis Is the part of the cell cycle in which the nucleus divides Only occurs in eukaryotes (not in prokaryotes) Shortest period in the cell cycle Function is to move the DNA and other material in the parent cell into position for cell division
Steps of Mitosis PROPHASE: Chromosomes condense and become visible under a microscope METAPHASE: Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell ANAPHASE: chromosomes split and pull to the opposite ends of the cell TELOPHASE: new nuclear membranes form and the cell pinches and divides. Cytokinesis
Happens right after mitosis The actual division of the parent cell’s cytoplasm
Way to Remember the Steps of Mitosis There was a man who was really good at football. He never threw an INTERception. He was so good he made it to the PROS. He was very lonely so he META girl named ANA. He called her on the TELOphone and he heard her dog CYTO in the background.