Licence parking Key aim: To help the fleet improve its financial performance. How deliver? Gives the fleet an opportunity to reduce operational costs; and/or Increase fishing opportunity (days and/or quota) and thereby income. Key features: Voluntary; and Reversible.
Fleet Resilience Grant Scheme Key aim: To help overcome the issue where owners want to utilise licence parking but do not have the financial resources to dispose of the donor vessel. How deliver? Grant is conditional on declaring the recipient vessel(s); and Licence is surrendered for a minimum of 5 years, with right to apply to Ministers for a replacement, conditional on repayment of grant + accrued interest. Key features: Voluntary; The direct benefits arising from the removal of the donor vessels reside with recipient vessels; and Reversible: the capacity removed can return.
Summary of bids received 55 bids: 53 eligible; 51 over 10m: 2 x 10m and under; Circa £10m bid; 67 unique recipient vessels initially: 79 potential transactions; and 10 licence parking transactions to date which have not bid for a grant (11%)
Summary of bids received Whitefish bids 16 bids: 31% of over 10m bids; With 3 additional w/f licence parking transactions, 12% of active w/f fleet* by vessel; 9% of w/f kW capacity; 8% of w/f GT capacity; 8% of 2009 TR1 effort; and All bids equate to 7% of 2009 recorded whitefish landings, by value.
Summary of bids received Nephrops bids 34 bids: 67% of over 10m bids; With 7 additional Nephrops licence parking transactions, 16% of active Nephrops fleet* by vessel; 15% of Nephrops kW capacity; 15% of Nephrops GT capacity; 14% of 2009 TR2 effort; and All bids equate to 9% of 2009 recorded Nephrops landings, by value.
Summary of bids received
Of the 79 potential licence parking transactions + 10 completed, 56% (50) are parking to vessels with the same port of administration as the donor vessel. The remaining 39 proposed licence parking transactions do involve a change in the port of administration: –Aberdeen→Buckie1 –Aberdeen→Fraserburgh5 –Aberdeen→Peterhead6 –Buckie→Peterhead3 –Buckie → Fraserburgh6 –Eyemouth→Peterhead4 –Fraserburgh→Buckie1 –Lochinver→Buckie2 –Lochinver→Fraserburgh1 –Mallaig→Buckie2: 6% (5) west to east? –Peterhead→Fraserburgh5 –Pittenweem→Peterhead3: 8% (7) south east to north east?
Skilled Crew New Level 2 MA in Sea Fishing in Scotland until 31/03/11 replacing Skillseekers; MSA imminent consultation; New Level 2 and Level 3 MA for 1/04/11; and Potential for Seafood Scotland to take on marketing of career opportunities across industry