Where do we go from here? Organizing for High Reliability in wildland fire management Anne Black Leopold Institute Rocky Mountain Research Station Wildland.


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Presentation transcript:

Where do we go from here? Organizing for High Reliability in wildland fire management Anne Black Leopold Institute Rocky Mountain Research Station Wildland Fire 2006 Phoenix, AZ March 8, 2006

Communities of Practice Dave Thomas (retired) Jim Saveland (RMRS) Kathleen Sutcliffe (UMich) Karl Weick (UMich) Bob Kegan (Harvard) Lisa Lahey (Harvard) Paula Nasiatka (LLC) Dave Christenson (LLC) Bretty Fay (R4) Deirdre Dether (Boise NF) Riva Duncan (WC-U NF) Dave Olson (Boise NF) Vicki Edwards (C-T NF) Ken Kerr (USFWS) Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park Dixie National Forest Bitterroot National Forest MTU coordinating committees MTU participants

Compile isolated lessons Evaluate progress What’s next? ….. more of the same!Practice! Reflect! Don’t burn out! AARs, reviews AAR roll-ups, LLC, Hawkins video action plans from roll-ups staff rides, sand table exercises, workshops try an ‘audit’ Encourage error-friendly culture Understand near misses Capture and share lessons Change behavior Deepen knowledge Experiment (AARs, Staff Rides, MTU) what’s being learned? what’s being incorporated into behavior? what’s changing on the ground? Escaped Prescribed Fire IIR

Intentional Reflective Adaptive How? commit to learn (individual and organizational) consciously apply concepts of high reliability integrate evaluation practice reflection…daily investigate how well we’re learning understand what works change behavior seek expertise experiment intentionally

Academic Regional Office Researcher Peer Project/ Burn Boss Who? Lessons Learned Center

Resources Thank you!