–When a fire occurs follow the sequence in RACE 1st : R = Rescue persons in immediate danger 2nd: A = Sound the nearest fire alarm & notify the switchboard operator. 3rd: C = Confine or contain the fire by closing doors & windows. Turn off O2 and electrical equipment. 4th: E = Use a fire extinguisher on a small fire that hasn’t spread.
PASS - Using A Fire Extinguisher + MSDS PASS =↓ P ull the safety pin A im low S queeze the lever S weep back and forth MSDS =↓↓ Material Safety Data Sheet – We have Alcohol Swabs Bleach & other Cleaning Supplies These sheets provide emergency & 1 st Aid procedures for exposure + much more.
Which residents should the aide take out of the building FIRST in the event of an evacuation? Wheelchair- bound?Blind residents Ambulatory residentsBedbound residents
Role Play – Volunteers: 1 NA + 4 residents (see assignment) Scenario: A nursing assistant has seconds to rescue the following 4 residents from a fire. All residents are cognitively impaired and can’t help each other out of the room. Blind resident Ambulatory resident Bedbound residents : Wheelchair-bound